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Everyone got off of the train and onto the busy 9 3/4 platform. Draco walked to his family while Harmony walked to her father who had actually come to get her this year. Blaise made sure Draco was fine before disappearing with his mother and Harry. Well Harry just walked out.
Harry didn't want to go to Ron's seeing as though Molly and Arthur knew he knew about his identity and would most likely be on guard and Harmony was being cold to him.

Narcissa saw Harry leave and furrowed her eyebrows. She looked back at her son and frowned.
"Draco what happened?" "Nothing.. don't worry about it." She sighed but apparated away with the two.

Harry got a cab to one of Salazars old manors and paid the driver before walking up. The two buildings opened to show a door and he opened it, shutting the door behind him.


Time went by.
Harry slept, ate, did homework but never went outside. He didn't feel like it and didn't have anything to necessarily do.
Draco sat in his room on a couch. He read, ate, did homework but barely slept.
Harmony was in the library most of the time, reading through book after book. A house elf brought her dinner but she sometimes never ate it while also doing homework.

Severus and Tom were starting to worry about their daughter and it seemed Lucius and Narcissa were just as scared for their son.
Tom had actually gone as far as to knock on the Dursleys door but after asking about Harry, the door slammed in his face.

Currently Tom sat behind his desk, Severus in front of him. He sighed.
"Harry is missing, Draco is depressed, our daughter is turning into a worse book worm... what the fuck is happening?" Severus clenched his fists. "I don't know exactly but Harry and Draco had a fall out. Harmony had gone as far as to call Hadrian a terrible person." Tom ran his hand down his face, groaning. "Dracos birthday is tomorrow. Narcissa said she wasn't going to throw a party since Draco is, well stuck to his couch." Severus sighed. He stood. "I'm going to go talk to Harmony." "If you can." "I'm her mother, don't doubt my abilities." Tom sighed.

Severus shut the door. He walked to the library and walked in to see his daughter hidden by a mountain of books.
He rounded the table and took the book in Harmony's hands. "Hey!" "Don't raise your voice at me young lady." Harmony sighed. Severus leaned on the table. "What happened last year Harmony?" Harmony clenched her fists. "Harry's a self centered selfish arse who can't even try to understand the human heart", she began to complain. Severus sighed. "What did Potter necessarily say?" "Draco wanted a relationship!", she continued to complain. Harmony stormed to her feet. "But he's all like no~ loves a waste of time. If we can't go as we have than forget about it. He's an arse! And when I confronted him, he spoke parseltongue! He swore at me! I know he did!" Severus crossed his arms. "You can't speak Parseltongue." "I know he spoke badly toward me! That's what he's turned into! After finding out he's my "brother" he's to good for a relationship! He's to good for affection! He's to good for anyone!" "Tom!" Harmony covered her ears.

Soon enough Tom had shadowed to them. "Yes?" "Harmony do you remember how he spoke?" "In what?" "Parseltongue." Harmony nodded. "Repeat it to your father." Tom raised an eyebrow. "What does Parseltongue have to do with this?" "Just go along Tom." Tom sighed.

Whenever Severus used that voice with his name he knew he couldn't fight back.

Harmony tried to imagine she was Harry.
'I'd rather you think of me like that than the person who would risk their life for your happiness'

Severus looked Tom and Harmony opened her eyes. "He said, I'd rather you think of me like that than the person who would risk their life for your happiness." Harmony looked at her father in disbelief. "If you don't believe me that's fine but that's what you just said." "He wouldn't say that, after making such a move on Draco."
Severus and Tom sighed. "Harmony." Harmony looked at her father. "You do know that I was once like Harry correct?" "Yes but you got over it!" "Yes but Harry isn't me, he has the stubbornness of your mother." "Watch it." "What I mean is, he doesn't know the importance and concept of passion or anything that relates to relationships." "So?" "So like I once did, he's probably trying to break Draco to the point where he won't care." Harmony hummed.


"And why not?!" "Because he hasn't broke." "... Excuse me? Draco won't even lift his head! He barely talks and barely eats! Blaise says he has nightmares sometimes and your telling me he hasn't BROKEN!" Harry groaned and stood. "A broken person lifts their head to anyone, kicks anyone's arse and becomes as hard as a fucking mountain. Broken people don't take crap because they become defensive and have a short temper. So yes, Draco hasn't broken.. and for those bullies, they could do a lot worse."

-End of Flashback-

"Well what if Harry succeeds?" Tom shrugged. "Draco will live with someone who has lost their mate and Harry will.. I don't know." "Father you don't know?" Tom rolled his eyes. "Like I said Harmony, your mother has the stubbornness of a horse." "So Harry would rather live by himself and not with his mate.. wouldn't that just hurt him more?" "Harmony no one has ever defied their mate and not given in at some point, the connection is just to strong. Harry has a plan and it may not make sense or be pretty but you'll have to go with it." "But Draco-!" "Draco can handle himself." Harmony grumbled.

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