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2 more months of school! Ron sang terribly, loudly and happily.
Ron it's to early for this, Harry sighed and laid his head on the table. Aren't you excited?! I'm excited! Ron said happily. That's because you get to go to New York, Harry yawned and Harmony sat on his lap. Do you want to come to my house for summer? She asked. Really?! Blaise and Draco yelled and she giggled. Your a life savor, Harry said resting his head on her shoulder. Of course I am. That's why we're friends, she said and he halfheartedly laughed.

Harmony laughed and ran off, sitting on Blaises lap.

I thought it was boyfriend before best friend, Blaise stated. Sorry love but it isn't, Harmony said and Blaise sighed. Harmony kissed him and Draco rolled his eyes. Get a room, he growled. Your just jealous, Harmony said wrapping an arm around Blaises neck. Draco rolled his eyes and finished his breakfast like Blaise.

I have a free period and don't know what to do~, Harmony whined.
Harry ran up and put an arm around her shoulders.
You have a what? Harmony are you ok? Harry joked and she hit his chest. Anyways what I usually do is go down to the lake and lay on the grass, Harry suggested. Mm. No that's more your thing, Harmony said. Than the library? Harry questioned. The library, Harmony said and walked up the stairs.

Stop hitting on my girlfriend, Blaise grumbled. I'm gay, Harry stated and disappeared in the shadows. Your what? Blaise growled.

The two got to potions to see Ron talking to Harry.. well more like himself with Harry's presence but still.

Move Weasel, Draco growled. Ron growled and crossed his arms stubbornly. Draco shoved past him and Ron's face turned red.
Harry did you just see what he did?! Ron growled and Harry raised his head. No, he said simply and went back to be laying on his arms. Harry your my best friend why are you so mean~! Ron whined. I'm tired Ron, Harry said. Your always tired, he grumbled. That's because I have to wake up at 6, Harry stated. What are you an owl? Draco growled.
Harry rolled his eyes and Ron huffed.
Stay out of this Malfoy you have nothing to do with it, the ginger growled. Shove off Weasel, Draco growled and both glared at each other. It's only 8 you two, Pansy growled. It wasn't me this time, Harry clarified and Pansy rolled her eyes. Ron go away it's to early for you to make such a ruckus, Pansy grumbled. Did you just call him by his first name? Draco sneered. No, Pansy grumbled. Parkinson has been sneaking into the Gryffindor tower with Ron's help, Harry stated and Pansy blushed. How do you know? She hissed. You use my invisibility cloak and you thought I wouldn't have noticed? Harry grumbled. It's the only way, she growled. Apparating, Harry suggested. We aren't supposed to know that yet, Pansy stated. It's simple magic anyone with common sense knows apparation, Harry said and Pansy held a fist up. You really want to go that far? Harry asked looking her straight in the eye.

Draco smirked when Pansy looked away and let her fist fall loose.

Your scary you know that? Pansy asked. No I was just so close to hitting you that's all, Harry said. What's with you and fighting?! She yelled. That's how I communicate. Really it's common sense to know the people I live with hate me.. you really think they didn't beat me till half dead? Harry stated. Your depressing, Pansy breathed. I'm not depressing it's the way I grew up, Harry sighed. Depressing, Pansy mumbled and sat down.
Harry rolled his eyes and pulled his books out before Severus could scold him.

What the hell are you doing? Draco growled as Harry kept drumming fingers in different patterns. I'm bored so I'm making up the time, he said simply and Draco rolled his eyes.
Harry flicked a glass and smirked when Draco sighed.

I may be depressing but your a stick in the mud, Harry grumbled and Draco rolled his eyes. It would hurt drumming your fingers like that, Draco growled. It doesn't if your not hitting the desk, Harry said dumbfounded at Dracos assumptions.
Draco rolled his eyes and stirred the potion.

Only if Harmony could see this, Blaise mumbled and shook his head.

Stop it already, Draco growled. Don't tell me what to do, Harry grumbled and sat down. Draco rolled his eyes and went back to taking notes.

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