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Which one of you took it? Umbridge growled as Harry and Harmony entered.

Took what? Draco sneered. My necklace. You took my locket, Umbridge hissed.
You mean this locket, Harry asked letting it dangle from his finger as he leaned over Dracos shoulder since the blonde was currently sitting.

You. You took it, Umbridge growled. No I found it in the Great Hall, Harry lied and Draco felt shivers from Harry's breath on his neck.
Umbridge took the fake Slytherin locket and Harmony tilted her head.
I thought you took it for my father, she whispered. I did. That locket is only a beetle, Harry whispered and she smirked. Your so sly, she said bumping hips with him. Harry chuckled.

Harry sat down in his seat and Draco felt confused.
Why would Potter of all people help him out of such a tough situation?

You won't get answers just by staring at him, Blaise said and Draco looked away from Harry. What do you mean? He asked and Blaise rolled his eyes.

Umbridge positioned the locket perfectly and smiled at her class.

Let's began where we finished off before break, she said grabbing her pointer stick.
Harry grabbed a blood quill from his bag and raised his hand.

Yes Mr. Potter? Umbridge asked. I forgot my quill is it alright if I borrow one? He asked and Umbridge pointed to one on her desk.

Harry walked up and slipped Umbridges quill out with the blood quill before grabbing the other one.
Draco raised an eyebrow when Harry sat back down.

He knew for a fact Harry never forgot anything for his classes so it was weird he did this time.

As everyone was scribbling down notes Umbridge hissed in pain.

Something wrong Professor? Harmony asked. Uh no don't worry, She said with her large fake smile and continued on with her grading.

Only moments later the quill fell out of Umbridges hand as she held her other one.

Something wrong? Harry asked this time. A-ah yes I don't know why b-but this quill, Umbridge said. Maybe it's a punishment, Harry said and Dracos eyes shot to him to see the smirk.
'What are you playing at Harry?' He wondered.

Umbridge picked the quill back up and Harry shook his head.
The quill fell out of her hand again and Umbridge pulled her sleeve up to see the words she had written cut into her arm.

Who is pulling this prank? She asked standing up. What prank? Seamus asked confused. This quill is not mine, Umbridge said holding up. Than whose is it? Harmony asked. Yours, Umbridge growled pointing at a Slytherin. What the fuck I haven't done shit, they growled.
Professor your acting like an immature child, Harry said.
You were the last one to come up to my desk, she hissed. Professor please do tell me where I would get a blood quill, Harry said setting the borrowed quill down.

Umbridge couldn't answer and Harry nodded.

Just because one is a Slytherin or not your favorite student does not mean they did anything. Although the person who switched your quill out could've been a victim of your blood quill, Harry stated.
I do not have a blood quill, Umbridge scoffed and Harry leaned back in his chair.

Everyone who has had detention with Umbridge raise your hand! Harry ordered and more than half of the class, including him raised their hands. "Now if you have a scar from that detention raise your hand!"
Everyone's hands stayed in the air and Harry stood.

I think you have some explaining to do Professor, he said and Umbridge stiffened.
You are a child, she sneered. Does not mean I am blind, Harry said and red flashed through his eyes.
Umbridge stepped back at that and everyone looked at Harry who seemed as calm as can be.

Aren't blood quills against the rules Professor? If they are and you work for the ministry than how will that look for you? I mean you even have the proof on your arm, Harry said.
Umbridge clenching her shirt and walked calmly towards Harry.

She lifted her hand and a skin to skin contact rang through the air.

I have tried to be nice to you Mr. Potter but it seems you are no different from a Slytherin, she hissed.
Harry, Harmony warned standing up.

Harry's eyes rapidly flashed red as his breathing increased and flashbacks ran through his head.

Before Draco could make it Harry had punched their teacher out cold.

What got nothing else to say?! He yelled and Harmony covered his eyes before anyone could see as Draco held him back.

Harry you need to calm down, she said. Let me go, he growled. I can't do that until you calm down, Harmony said and McGonagall stormed into the room with Dumbledore.

What happened here? She asked standing beside Umbridges knocked out body.
Harry started to struggle and Draco tightened his grip.

Professor Umbridge slapped Harry and his temper got the best of him, Harmony explained shortly.
Dumbledore stepped over Umbridge and pushed Draco away.

Harmony barely ducked to miss a punch.

Harry my boy you need to calm down, he said covering Harry's eyes again.
Stop covering my eyes! He growled and shoved passed everyone. Harry! Harmony yelled but Draco stopped her. Let him calm down a little bit, he said and she frowned and sighed.

Now. What happened to create all of this? McGonagall asked. Someone switched Umbridges quill out for a blood quill because she's been doing it to us but it went to far when Harry tried to prove a point about how extreme it was and she slapped him.. that's why she's knocked out, Draco explained. Blood quill? Those are against the rules but how could a student get one? McGonagall wondered. Everyone shrugged and Dumbledore sighed.

He walked up and took the blood quill for Umbridges real quill to appear with the spare one.

'Whoever planned this put a lot of thought into it' he thought and slid the quill up his robe sleeve.

Harry sighed and curled into a ball on the Astronomy roof.
Harry didn't regret anything but he didn't understand why everyone wanted to hide everything.

He doesn't know his real parents, he doesn't get why his eyes are such a big deal for them to be covered, he doesn't understand why it matters who his mate was....
He just wanted answers but no one had them and he was lost... he wanted his mate but didn't want to trouble them.. he wanted the warmth but he didn't want to hurt them.. he wanted love but he didn't want the pain.

Harry hummed and closed his eyes.
The silence was peaceful and he wanted it to last just a little longer.

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