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Ah Lucius, Narcissa, Draco, Tom greeted. Hello my lord, they said and he smiled.
Draco looked around.
Has Harmony not woken up? He asked. Neither of them have actually, Severus said and Tom chuckled.

Come I'll show you where they are, Tom said and Draco nodded.
Narcissa smirked and stood beside Severus.

How much you wanna bet Draco just wanted to see Harry? She asked and Severus sighed. Yes I wouldn't be surprised if he was subconsciously craving Potters attention, he said and Narcissa raised an eyebrow in confusion.
We'll tell you later, Severus reassured and she nodded.

Tom opened Harmonys door and Draco looked around.
Harmony was passed out with the silver curtains shut and her hair all over the pillows and the only thing poking out of the blankets was her forehead with arms under the pillows.

Draco stepped forward and Tom smirked as Draco looked over the couch where Harry slept.

Harry was no better.
His hair was wide with his lips slightly parted. The blanket was over his lower half as an arm was under the pillow and one was hanging off the couch like his leg.

Is it alright if I open the curtains? He asked and Tom nodded.
Draco smirked and threw them open.

Both yelled curses and glared at him.

It's 10. Potter your ugly even sleeping and Harmony learn not to drool, Draco growled. What are you my mother? Harry hissed. Keep talkin and I'll help you sleep, he growled and Harry glared at him.
Harmony sighed and slid out of her bed.

Father that's mean. Your letting Draco bully your daughter, she whined and Tom chuckled.
Be a lady, Harry said pulling her gown down and putting his glasses on. Says the one without a shirt, she grumbled. I'm a boy, Harry said and yawned.

Harmony noticed something and jumped onto her feet.

You took the band off! She said and pulled Harry's arm toward her.
Harmony stood shocked and Draco walked over, looking over Harry's shoulder.

Harry yawned again.
Let me guess you haven't looked, Harmony grumbled and Draco kinda felt hurt by that. Well excuse me I'm nervous, he growled and crossed his arms.

Your actually really warm without a shirt, Harmony said hugging Harry who sighed. If Blaise saw you two he'd kill you, Draco sneered. I know, Harry grumbled.

Tom watched as the three interacted and Harmony climbed onto Harry.

We need to get dressed, she stated. Than get off, Harry said. But your warm, Harmony whined and he sighed. Your such a pain sometimes, He grumbled. Shut up you love me, She grumbled. Yeah and I think it's going to be my downfall, Harry said and Harmony stuck her tongue out as Draco chuckled.

Harry pulled out his only none school clothes, muggle clothes.

Really muggle clothes, Draco sneered in disapproval. It's the only thing I have, Harry grumbled and flipped Harmony onto her bed before walking into the bathroom.

Harmony stood and looked at her father.

What does that mean? She asked and Tom sighed. We found your brother, he said and Harmony smiled.
But act normal Harmony he doesn't know and we're waiting for him to look at his wrist, Tom said and she nodded. Which will never happen because Potters a coward, Draco sneered. You just want to smother him, Harmony grumbled. Shut up, Draco growled and she smirked.

Harry came out a few minutes later and the three looked disapproving at his outfit.

The only thing I have! He reminded but they still scoffed. Maybe we should go shopping for you, Harmony said tugging at the baggy clothes. Harry rolled his eyes.
My clothes aren't that bad, he said. Yes they are, Draco growled. Shut up you woke me up, Harry growled and they glared at each other.

Oh boy, Tom mumbled as the two began to bicker while Harmony changed into her casual robes.

Oh shut up! Draco growled and covered Harry's mouth.

Tom stiffened when Harry's eyes flashed red and Draco was kicked away from him.

Don't tell me what to do, he growled and Draco growled.
'Seems Harmony wasn't lying about that temper' Tom thought.

Narcissa jumped onto Harry and he caught himself with her in his arms.

I haven't met you but I've heard a lot about you. I'm Narcissa Malfoy it's nice to meet you Harry, she introduced after getting off of him. Yes it's a pleasure Mrs. Malfoy, he said with a gentle smile that made Narcissas smile widen.

Harmony walked out and smiled.

Aunt Narci, she said and hugged the woman. Hello dear, Narcissa said smiling.

Is it greet each other in Harmonys room day or something? Lucius grumbled. I was impatient, Narcissa grumbled and Lucius shook his head.

Lucius looked around and sneered when he saw Harry.

So it was true that your here, He growled. Yes how's Dobby? Harry asked and Lucius glared at him. Harry just smirked at that and Harmony shook her head.
Anyways is it breakfast or lunch? She asked. Lunch, Tom said and she nodded. Let's go! I'm hungry! Harmony said walking out of her room.

Everyone sighed and followed her.

Severus smiled and scrunched his nose at Harry's clothes.

What are you wearing? He growled. Clothes. The only thing I had, Harry sighed. Than get a new wardrobe, Severus sneered. Harry sighed and sat beside Harmony who smirked. Shut up, he grumbled and she giggled.

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