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It's been three months. Harmony had stolen Harry's spot beside Draco in potions so Harry now sat beside Blaise. They didn't exchange words much but Harry didn't necessarily care.
Draco hadn't bounced back from Harry's words and usually kept his head low. Resulting in him becoming the bullied instead of the bully. Harmony had tried to help but that just made it worse since when she did people taunted "Go from one golden to another right?"
Draco didn't necessarily hate the bullying but he wished it would stop. Subconsciously he wanted Harry to stop it but that most likely wouldn't happen.


Harry slept on the astronomy roof, the chaos of the school faint to his ears. Someone seemed to kick him and Harry groaned, successfully awake.
He looked up to see Harmony with her arms crossed and her look as stern and annoyed as ever. "What?" "What? Don't wHaT me! Ever since you left Draco, he's been bullied and beaten down!" Harry sat up, rubbing his side a little. "What do you want me to do about it? If I remember correctly your supposed to be protecting him." "Your his mate! Beat those guys to a pulp!" "No." "And why not?!" "Because he hasn't broke." "... Excuse me? Draco won't even lift his head! He barely talks and barely eats! Blaise says he has nightmares sometimes and your telling me he hasn't BROKEN!" Harry groaned and stood. "A broken person lifts their head to anyone, kicks anyone's arse and becomes as hard as a fucking mountain. Broken people don't take crap because they become defensive and have a short temper. So yes, Draco hasn't broken.. and for those bullies, they could do a lot worse."
Harry slid down the Astronomy roof and Harmony growled. "How do you not care?!" Harry disappeared into the shadows, leaving her alone and pissed.

Two Gryffindors walked toward Draco. Draco had his head down and bag on his side.
They harshly pumped into his shoulders, causing Draco to go back a little but he just kept walking. The two smirked and turned the corner to see another Gryffindor, Harry Potter to be exact. "Oh Harry what are you doing?"

Harry looked up at the two smiling idiots. He stood from leaning on the wall and walked toward them.
What the two didn't expect was a knee to the gut and a fist to the face.

Both knelt or laid on the floor in pain, groaning and whimpering pathetically. "W-what the hell?" Harry licked his lips and crouched. "Your creating trouble for me dill-holes." They looked at Harry. His eyes were a magnificent ruby red while his glasses were off. "Keep it up and not even madam Pomfrey will be able to heal your sorry arses."
Harry stood, turned and walked away after that. Acting as if nothing ever happened.

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