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Mate let's find a compartment! Ron yelled happily. Actually Harry's going to sit with me since you know he's coming to my house, Harmony said smiling. Wait? Your going to the Slytherin house hold? No one knows what that house is like! Ron yelled.
Come on Harry, Harmony said pulling him away from the ginger.

Ron huffed and walked into Lavenders compartment since he had nothing better to do.

Harmony smiled and sat on Blaises lap as Harry sat beside the window and Draco.

Why are you here? Draco sneered. I'm going to Harmonys Manor, Harry stated and Draco rolled his eyes.
'Just perfect my family was going to visit' Draco thought annoyed.

Harry pulled out a book some time after that as Harmony pulled the Slytherin locket out.

Hey Harry, she called and he looked up. Why did Umbridge have the Slytherin locket? Harmony asked. Harry shrugged.
Ok than why's it important? It doesn't look like anything special, Harmony questioned. Harm why do you want to know so much? Harry asked. It's in my veins now answer me, Harmony demanded.

Fine. The Slytherin locket is a horcrux, Harry said and the four looked at him in shock. That's why I thought your father would like it back before Dumbledore gets a hold of it, Harry stated.
Isn't it your job to destroy them? Pansy sneered. I don't really care if Riddle gets a hold of them or not, Harry stated.
Do you know of anymore horcruxes or you know how many there are? Harmony asked. Why don't you just ask your father? Harry sighed. Because he won't tell me and I'd rather my dad not die, Harmony grumbled.
Fine. The hufflepuff cup, the Ravenclaw diadem, the Slytherin locket, his diary.. that's now destroyed.. uh, that's all I know of right now, Harry stated. That's four out of um how many? Harmony asked. "7." Yeah 7! How'd you find all of that out? Harmony asked.

Well the Hufflepuff cup is in gringotts so no one will dare try and get it, the Slytherin locket was lost or has gone by lots of people so you can almost never keep track of it, the Ravenclaw diadem is lost in the room of requirement and like I said his diary is already destroyed, Harry said.
Harmony nodded.
You two are such nerds, Pansy sneered rolling her eyes. At least we know how to spell "me" right, Harry said and she growled.

Draco and Blaise shook their heads and Harry went back to reading as Harmony put the locket back in her robe and talked to Blaise.

Harmony and Harry got off of the train and Harmony kissed Blaise goodbye while just saying bye to Draco.
She smiled and Harry followed her through the large crowd.

Can you shadow us there? She asked. Sure just tell me what to look for, Harry said. A bright white large room, Harmony said and Harry nodded.
He grabbed her hand and they disappeared in the shadows.

5 minutes later they appeared in a room and Harmony smiled at her waiting parents.
She stepped out and Tom looked surprised when she hugged him.

I thought you would've apparated, he truthfully said. Well I had Harry so I thought him shadowing us would've justified, Harmony said smiling.
Harry? Tom question. Harry! Harmony grumbled and he stepped out of the shadows.

Harry, she stated.
Oh and one more thing! Harmony said and both raised an eyebrow. Umbridge as this and I thought it may be important so I took it with a little help from Harry, Harmony said pulling the Slytherin locket out of her pocket. Oh I've been looking for that, Tom said taking it.

Harmony looked at Harry who smirked knowingly. She rolled her eyes.

Thank you for getting it Harmony, Tom said and she smiled.
Now why don't I talk to Harry alone, Tom said and Severus felt just as confused as Harmony.

Come Harmony. We'll be in the library, Severus said and they walked out. Follow me, Tom said walking out.

Harry followed Tom through the grand halls and into a large office.
Tom sat in one of the chairs and gestured for Harry to sit in the one opposite of him.

Once Harry sat down Toms look became serious and hard.

Harmony did not know about this locket, he stated. I know, Harry said crossing his legs. How did you know about this locket? Tom asked demanding an answer. Research isn't something I necessarily do for fun. Also Dumbledore knows 6 out of the 7 horcruxes and the Slytherin locket was one he knew about. Luckily I'm not one of our bitch of a teachers favorite students so it wasn't to hard to get my hands on, Harry explained. How many do you know about? And why give the locket back to me and not that old man? Tom questioned.
I know about 4 one is already destroyed also why I gave you the locket back is because Dumbledores gone long enough with deceiving and manipulating people.. revenge isn't something I necessarily hate, Harry said and Tom saw the scar on Harry's hand.

Blood quill, he said pointing to the snitch drawing. Harry looked at his hand and sighed.

Yes this is what I get for going along as Dumbledores pet and getting that locket.. though don't you think it's a good drawing? Harry said lifting his hand up. Yes just as nice as that band around your wrist, Tom said.
Harry looked at the band and sighed.

I'm sure Harmonys told you about it, he said and Tom nodded. That's the whole reason your here correct? For me to remove it... or are you just kind and giving me to locket back? Tom asked. People always think I want something in return. Truth be told I could care less who my mate is, love is a trivial thing to me and two if Dumbledore destroyed the horcruxes that means Harmony would lose her parent and from my understanding she's already lost a sibling so I'd rather her be happy than miserable, Harry said. How do you know about her sibling? Tom asked clenching his robe lightly.. just slightly hoping Harry would know where his son is.
Simple. Your a descendant of Salazar Slytherin. It's in your blood for the heir to be able to speak parseltongue.. which Harmony can't, Harry said and Tom sighed.
I've tried, Harry said and Tom looked at him. I've tried to find your child but that is one thing I can't get out of Dumbledore and unfortunately there aren't any records of them so I couldn't go off of that, Harry said. Yes I know. They were born in secret because they were my children and I didn't want them to get caught up in the mess I have caused so soon in life... unfortunately Dumbledore found out and took my son, the heir as you call him, Tom said. I didn't mean disrespect, Harry reassured and Tom nodded. I know, he said and Harry nodded.

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