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Draco sighed and sat beside Blaise in the Slytherin common room.

What's wrong with you? Blaise asked raising an eyebrow. I can't find Potter anywhere and he ditched the rest of his classes, Draco sighed. Potters a shadow hound which means he could be anywhere and blend in with the shadows, Blaise said. Thanks Blaise that's a crap ton of help, Draco said rolling his eyes. Anything for you mate, Blaise said and chuckled when Draco glared at him.

Harmony stormed into the Slytherin common room and the two looked over.

Wheres Harry?! She yelled at Draco accusingly. I'm supposed to know, Draco growled. Well you've fought for 5 years so I thought you'd know with that tiny brain of yours, Harmony grumbled and Blaise smirked in amusement.
Draco rolled his eyes and got up.
Where are you going? Blaise asked. I have an idea of where Potter could be, Draco grumbled and walked off with Harmony behind him.

Sometimes I feel like I don't even have a girlfriend, Blaise said. Because Potters taking her! Theodore yelled and Blaise glared at him. They're best friends, he growled and went back to the homework.

Draco walked onto the Astronomy roof and Harmony looked around while Draco stayed along the lining of the shadows.

Suddenly something sold grazed Dracos foot and he crouched down to feel Harry's curved hip.
He sighed and picked up Harry, stepping out of the shadows to reveal he was asleep.

Hey you found him! Harmony whisper/shouted. Yes now let's go, Draco grumbled walking away. Harmony followed him back to the Slyhterin common room and Blaise looked over.

Oh look you found him! He said and pulled Harmony onto his lap. I get my girlfriend now, Blaise said and Harmony smiled.
Draco rolled his eyes and advanced up the stone steps.

Harry hummed quietly and moved to lay on his back.
Slowly realization hit that he was in a bed, a really comfy bed too.

Harry sighed and slowly opened his eyes.
The room was dimly lit with Harry facing the creamy white roof of the room that held a queen sized silk sheeted silver and green bed and two chairs with coffee table.

Something brushed Harry's hair and he couldn't help but feel relaxed and contempt while the hand was roaming over his brunette hair.
Harry looked at the side the hand retracted and saw Draco Malfoy.

Draco Malfoy.
Malfoys room.

Harry shot up but Draco put a hand over his eyes and made him lay back down on the pillow.
That's how Harry noticed he didn't have glasses.

Draco kept his hand over Harry's eyes as the brunette breathed slowly and deeply. He wasn't scared that his vision wasn't taken nor was he scared because Draco was there.
Nope. For once Harry wasn't scared Draco would do or say anything and he wasn't scared someone would barge through the door or talk shit about him being in a Slyhterins room.

You missed dinner, Draco said after a few more moments of silence. That's fine, Harry mumbled and Draco removed his hand.
Harry looked over and stared at Dracos silver light blue blizzard eyes.

Harry never knew why but those eyes always helped him calm down. He didn't understand the logic behind it but he didn't complain, to him Dracos eyes were beautiful so he didn't mind looking at them, staring into them as if he'll find any answer he desires.

What? Draco asked and Harry laid a hand over his eyes. Nothing, He said and Draco hummed. Why do you wear glasses? He asked and Harry peeked through his arm. I can't see without them, Harry simply lied. I've seen you do everything just fine without glasses, Draco stated and Harry sighed.
Fine. Because Dumbledore made me think I couldn't see properly without them so I can't just magically stop wearing them, Harry grumbled and turned. Your in my bed Potter, Draco reminded. And I tried to get out of it but you didn't let me, Harry shot back and Draco rolled his eyes. Five minutes without an argument is that so hard for you? Draco grumbled. Because your better? Harry grumbled.

They fell into silence after that.
Neither one wanted to argue but Harry got defensive and Draco wanted to save his pride.

Go take a shower, Draco ordered. Don't tell me what to do, Harry growled and took the towel before walking into the bathroom.
'Why does he always say that before doing what I say?' Draco wondered and sighed.

Why are their showers better? This is bullshit, Harry grumbled and stepped out of the glass shower with the towel around his waist to see clothes on the counter.
He sighed and ran the towel over his body before putting it over his head.

Harry quickly got dressed and noticed just how much bigger Dracos clothes are compared to his.
Not that the blonde was fat but he was a shoulder taller and rather muscular if you asked Harry.

The green and silver shirt dangled from his shoulders slightly with the sleeves going over his slim hands. The pants were from at least 3rd year but were still a little big.

Harry sighed and ran the towel through his hair before walking out of the bathroom and dropping it into the hamper.

Draco looked over and coughed.

What? Harry grumbled. Nothing, Draco sighed and went back to doing homework.
Harry sat on the chair beside him with his legs crossed.

Draco glanced over to see Harry playing with vibrant green fire in his hands.
He shook his head.

Burn my room I kill you, He said and Harry rolled his eyes. The fire won't spread, Harry reassured and changed it into a living snake.
Ok where did you learn this? Draco asked as the fire changed into an owl. Harry shrugged. Just learned it along the way I guess, he mumbled and blew for the fire to disintegrate.
Draco huffed and looked over Harry's figure.

So.. get the balls to see who your mate is? He asked. No, Harry said flatly and Draco rolled his eyes. It's really not that hard to look at a name, He stated. Yes it is. If I look at the name I'll find out if my name is really Harry James Potter or something else, Harry stated.
Your so depressing, Draco grumbled. Your depressing, Harry grumbled with his cheeks puffed out like a child.
Draco rolled his eyes again and dipped his quill in the ink bottle.

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