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Hadrian walked with Neville as he slipped a Gryffindor robe up his shoulder. Draco went to grab his arm but Hadrian seemed to dodge.
"Told you to go." "Shut up." "Now he's mad." "He's always mad." "Not if you just went and hugged him." Draco sighed and grabbed his Slytherin robe before following the other students.

The four houses walked from the disappearing requirement room to the dark great hall.
Instantly Hadrian noticed the death eaters that stood as if they were guards, around the large room.

"How many death eaters are there?" Neville shrugged. "Usually they switch but none leave Hogwarts property." Hadrian hummed. "That's perfect." "Yeah and by what we can tell, some are new and are a bit hesitant." "I'm not surprised, I'm sure they're enough death eaters it doesn't matter if the newbies die." "It's a bit sad though, pawning off your own comrades." Hadrian hummed. "Most death eaters aren't exactly sane if you get it?" Neville nodded. "I'm not surprised, they've hurt more students than I like to admit." "Younger years?" "And older ones if they stand up... most of us haven't really been in a serious situation." Hadrian tched. "Good thing we only had Umbridge for a year than." "You're right there."

The four houses split into their own sections. Slytherins on the far left, the Gryffindors next to them than the Hufflepuffs and finally the Ravenclaws.
Hadrian looked around.
'I could cut this tension with a knife' He looked up where his mother stood. 'Father must've let mother be in charge so the death eaters didn't go crazy... though I still don't like what's become of this school'

"It has come to my attention that students have found a way in and out of Hogwarts.. though I have had all exits sealed off, even the secret passageways!"
Hadrian glanced toward Harmony who didn't seem affected by their mothers attitude.. even though it was an act.. of sort.
"I will spare students from each house if one will tell me where this secret passage is!"

Everyone kept their heads low. They couldn't give away where they've been staying and where they were all safe... even the Slytherins didn't speak up.
Hadrian notice Neville clench his robe when the four death eater guards grabbed a small 1st or 2nd year from each house.
The death eaters chose girls, Hadrian already knew that was on purpose. The girls cried for them to let go and his eyes flashed red.

"Let them go!" His voice boomed like Dumbledores once did. The Gryffindors made a small path and Hadrian walked into the gape between Slytherin and Gryffindor.
Severus grasped the podium when he saw it was his eldest son... and his ruby eyes.
"I said let them go!" The death eaters were hesitant but let the four small girls go.
Some of the elder years pulled them back into the crowd before the death eaters could change their minds.

Hadrian clicked his tongue. "Hurting girls." He smirked. "It's fair to say you don't know what you're doing." He looked up at his mother. "Not like you have a daughter of your own right Headmaster." Harmony clenched her fists.
What was Hadrian doing? Talking to her mother like that?
"So you finally show yourself, Hadrian." "It's pathetic you thought I wouldn't find a way in, but hurting innocents and your students just because I did such a thing, how low can you really go Snape?"

Hadrian stepped up the low stage and got in his mothers face. "Would you hurt your daughter if I hadn't shown myself?" Severus sneered. "You'd act like the hero either way." "Hogwarts isn't yours or the filthy death eaters play ground, get out."
Severus looked his son right in the eyes and disappeared in black clouds.. taking the death eaters wands with him.
Hadrian looked at the death eaters almost daringly and they also, escaped through a black cloud.

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