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I love you! Ginny Weasley yelled and everyone looked over for Draco to clenched the silverware in his fists.

Harry looked at the ginger girl blankly and sighed.

That's fine, he said and the Slytherin table snickered as Ginny looked at him in confusion. D-do you not like me back? She asked quietly. I thought you said love not like. Ginny those are two different things and if you ask me.. loves a complete waste of time, Harry said simply and Ginny looked down.
Harry scratched the back of his head and sighed.

Maybe put some effort in your mate. Cause I'm clearly not them, he said and walked out of the Great Hall.

What a rejection! Theodore yelled. Shut up Nott! Ron growled and Ginny sat beside him.

She doesn't even like him, Draco growled. Do you? Blaise asked smirking. You wanna shut it, Draco growled and Blaise chuckled.

Harmony sighed from the Ravenclaw table.

He could've done that so much better, she mumbled. Yes but Harry isn't one to beat around the bush, Luna said. But he hurt Ginnys feelings, Harmony sighed. How would it not have? It's a rejection and those hurt but it's easier if the person rejecting does not try to soften the blow, A male Ravenclaw said.
Harmony sighed and looked back to see Ginny eating and talking to Ron.

Harmony walked into the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom to see Draco and Harry fighting and sighed.

Umbridge walked up to the two and gave her fake large smile.

Could you please stop. We do not fight in my classroom, She reminded and Harry turned around.

Draco caught the punch Harry was sending Umbridges way and glared at their teacher.

Sit down, he growled. Don't tell me what to do, Harry spat and walked away.
Harmony sighed as Umbridge followed Harry.

Maybe you should let him hit her, She whispered. I'm not stopping the next punch, Draco stated and sat down.

Mr. Potter after dinner do come to my office. It will be your punishment, she said still smiling. What that blood quill you have or hearing your voice, Harry hissed and the Slytherins snorted. Umbridges smile wavered as she stared into Harry's dangerous green eyes.
You are testing my patients Mr. Potter, she said. Than fucking kill me. It's not like your anything to this fucking school anyways. Hurray your a ministry worker, boohoo Hogwarts is great at getting rid of people like you, Harry growled. Your attitude is very disrespectful, she said. Your clothes are disrespectful to my eyes, Harry shot back and everyone laughed.

Umbridge looked back and the students acted as if nothing happened.

Draco glanced at Harry who seemed more fed up with Unbridge than he ever has him.. and that's saying a lot.

I do expect you to come, Umbridge said. And like every detention I'll ditch, Harry stated. I'll get Dumbledore involved, Umbridge threatened. You go do that, Harry said. I will get the ministry involved, She stated clenching her hands together. You think the ministry will have the balls to get rid of their "savior"? Harry asked and Umbridges eye twitched.
Do you have no respect? She hissed. Respect is earned not given, Harry stated. You are a boy and I am the adult, she hissed. And I am the boy who you all call the golden boy. I have fought adults and won, Harry said with a mocking tone to her own.

The door swung open and Dumbledore walked in.
He gave his grandfatherly smile and everyone looked at Harry who didn't seem fazed.

Harry could we please talk? He asked and Harry stood. Of course Professor, he said smiling as if nothing had happened.

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