Chapter 4

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"Can I drive?"


He made his way to the driver's seat, leaving me to load the groceries into the trunk alone. I watched as he sat there, scrolling through his phone, looking into the rear-view mirror every once in a while to see the frown on my face as I glared at him.

The least he could do is help me put everything inside but nope, he was going to continue being a brat for getting told off by me in the store.

After that, I went to the cart corral to put the now-empty shopping cart away.

"Jas! Jasmine!" I heard someone call out my name and looked around. The second I turned away from the carts, a large body enveloped mine in a bear hug as a familiar chuckle filled my ears, lifting me off of the ground.

When he set me back down and pulled away, my lips tugged into a smile, "Cory! How are you?"

Cory's one of the younger guards that worked on a regular basis around my house. Sometimes he'd drive me around if dad got mad enough to take away my motorcycle. It didn't really make sense since he'd allow his men to drive me places either way so why he took it away in the first place, I didn't know.

"I'm good, kid." He nodded, "How's married life treating you?"

I rolled my eyes at the obvious tease in his voice, "Better than I was expecting, thanks for asking. How's working for dad now that I'm not there? He giving you a hard time?"

He shrugged, "Let's just say it could be worse although now that you're not there, we can't get away with as much. I couldn't even leave my post to get something to eat yesterday, he was ordering everyone around to do shit that didn't even make sense."

I gave him a pitiful smile, "I'm sorry. Soon enough, Sinn will give him an update on how stuff is going and his nerves will settle down. Then he'll go back to gambling and the only thing you'll have to do is pick him up at two in the morning when they finally kick him out for claiming he was scammed."

We shared a laugh that was cut off when Cory's eyes averted to behind me, his smile falling as his shoulders squared and back straightened out. I followed his gaze, sighing when I saw the person he was looking at was Sinn. 

Clearing my throat, I spoke up to cut the growing tension between the two brooding men who hadn't yet spoken a word, just stared at each other, "Sinn, this is Cory. He works for my father."

He nodded so I looked at Cory, "Cory, this is Sinn."

"Her husband." Sinn glowered and I shifted nervously when his hand found its way to the small of my back, moving until it reached my hip then slightly pulled me closer.

"RIght," Cory nodded, "Nice to finally meet you, Mr. Hyde." But he was only met with silence so I took it upon my own hands to try and end this uncomfortable moment as soon as possible.

"It was nice seeing you, Cory." I smiled and his eyes found mine again, that kind smile appearing on his face once more before he nodded and dismissed himself, not sparing Sinn another glance. When I looked back up at Sinn, he was smiling.

"He's a nice guy," He nodded, patting my side then slipping his hand away as he walked back over to the car.

"Wha-" I cut myself off, throwing my hands up in confusion then shook my head and followed him, slamming the passenger door shut as I slumped into my seat and glared at him, "A nice guy? What about when he was actually talking to you, it didn't seem like you found him nice then?"

He stared at me like I was crazy, "The fuck are you talking about? I think we had a nice conversation."

"Sinn, all you did was stroll up like a macho man, claim that you're my husband and then just stared at him," I stated.

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