Chapter 44

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Sinn's POV...

I haven't slept the past week. The moment her eyes would close and she'd fall into a peaceful rest, I'd head over to the desk I had moved into our room so she'd always be in my sight. I couldn't dare leave her side until I knew she was safe. 

Yes, I'd tripled security and ensured no one came near her. Yet I still wasn't assured that she was safe in her own home. I can't trust anyone, not even those closest to me. It's pissed everyone off, the way I've treated them. 

But I couldn't give less of a shit. 

They'll all get their peace when the people that hurt her are found and she's okay again. Until then, I'll treat them however I want. 

Which may be soon. 

After Rivera's brief call, I looked into the information he'd started off with. Of course, there were people lurking around in Paris who knew more about the situation than I did. But to get the information I needed, they'd need payment. 

How I was supposed to fly over there and get the deal done while leaving Jasmine here alone, was the question. Sending someone else, even Kai, was risky. I don't know who I can trust. Especially if I were to go and leave my girl. 

Maybe asking her what she thinks would be my best bet. Whatever she feels safer with, I'll do. 

I glanced over as she shifted in her sleep, the dim light sitting on the corner of the desk allowing me to see her face. She looked unsettled, her head moving back and forth as did her legs underneath the sheets. 

She hasn't had a good sleep since last week when she woke up from that nightmare. It was the start of many, about me leaving or her getting shot and dying. 

"Sinn," The moment that faint, worried murmur left her lips, I stood by her side, brushing her hair back and holding her hand.

"Princess," I whispered, "Wake up, it's just a nightmare." 

After a few more gentle reminders I finally brought her out of her troubled slumber. A tear fell down her temple and disappeared in her hair as her eyes opened and found mine almost immediately. 

"Hey, baby," I smiled as I held her face in my hands, "You okay?" 

She nodded, a blank look in her eyes as she blinked up at me, "I'm scared." 

"I know," I leaned down and pressed my face against hers, "I know, princess. I'll fix this and do everything in my power to make you feel safe again." 

"I love you," She lifted her hand up and ran it through the hair on the back of my head while staring into my eyes with adoration. 

"I love you more," I said and pressed my lips against hers. "Want me to get a bath ready for you?" 

She nodded with a smile, "Yes, please." I smiled back and gave her one more kiss before walking over to the bathroom. A couple of days ago the doctor gave her the okay to take baths. I hid my disappointment at the fact that she wouldn't need me to clean her anymore. 

As the tub filled up, I threw in a bunch of bubbles for her to enjoy herself in and picked out a fresh pair of pyjamas for her to wear when she was done. Then I headed towards her as she sat up and lifted her off the bed bridal style. 

She struggled to keep her hands around my neck to support herself, still quite weak although she was healing quickly. I slowly sat her down on the top stair of the bathtub, making sure she was steady before finally letting go. 

I watched as she carefully lifted her shirt up and off of her body before handing it to me. She looked frail. It made my chest ache every time I saw her in that state. Even worse when she took her shorts off as well and then turned around, revealing the two horrible bullet wounds on her back.

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