Chapter 45

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Jasmine's POV...

"Careful, miss," The nurse said as I took another step down the stairs, wincing as a sore pain filled my back with each movement. The doctor said it'd be a slow and steady journey, being able to walk and move normally again. I couldn't rush it. 

Although it was getting easier to walk around our room during the past few weeks, the stairs were a whole other story. The nurses insisted on helping me, and rightfully so. Because I'd have fallen and broken every bone in my body if they'd let me take the first step on my own. 

Today, my dad was coming over. I called him about a week ago, asking him if we could talk. To my complete shock, he seemed happy that I called. Excited even, that he got an invite into our home. 

From the look on Sinn's face when I entered the kitchen, I could tell he was still against the idea. He couldn't trust those closest to him, I couldn't expect him to trust my father. He hasn't had a great track record.

Even though he's hurt me, he's never allowed anyone else to do the same. I believe he'd protect me with his life. 

"I've got her, thank you," He dismissed the nurses, taking my hand and helping me limp over to the couch. 

"Wait, I want coffee," I said, stopping in my tracks. 

"Okay, sit down and I'll get you some." 

I shook my head, "I wanna make it. Please." 

He wanted to scold me but didn't. "Alright," He agreed hesitantly. 

"I'm fine," I assured him as he tried helping me to the fridge and countertop. Usually, after going down the stairs, I'd want to immediately sit down. Every day, I could move a little bit more. It was getting easier to do things that I could do before with ease. 

The time I'd spent in bed made other things easier as well. Thinking everything through, taking it all in. It's been easier in other ways as well.

Easier to be me again. 

Something I realized a little while ago is that I haven't been me in a long time. Longer than getting shot, longer than leaving Sinn. It was gradual so I hadn't noticed it. When I did, it hit me like a ton of bricks. 

I'm not me anymore. And I'm still trying to decide whether that's a good thing or not. All I know is that it's been a long time since I've felt so peaceful inside.

"What're you thinking about, pretty girl?" Sinn's soft lips appeared on the side of my head as he wrapped his arm around my waist. I knew he was really doing it to make sure I wouldn't stumble. 

"A lot has changed," I whispered, mostly to myself because I didn't know what answer to give him. What exactly am I thinking about? Me? Sinn? Us? My dad? 

Everything was in my head, stirring around but not troubling me as much as it used to.

I smiled and turned to him. He grinned back, a curious glint in his eyes as I placed my arms around his neck, "Thank you." 

"For what?" He tilted his head. 

"For trusting me," I said, "In making the decision to talk to my dad. I know we both haven't got the best history with either of our fathers but-" 

"But nothing," He shook his head. I felt his hand in my hair before he pulled me closer. I closed my eyes and sighed as his forehead fell against mine, "You don't need to explain. If you want something, you get it, princess." 

I scrunched up my nose happily and pressed my lips against his. When I pulled away, I stared up at him adoringly, "You know, you might regret spoiling so much in the future." 

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