Chapter 38

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Jasmine's POV...

"Sinn!" I shouted, tears clouding my vision of him rushing up the apartment building's stairs. I stared up at the window helplessly, praying Luna was okay. The sound of sirens neared soon after I called the fire station.

A choked sob escaped from my mouth as I spotted Sinn inside, rushing around trying to find Luna. My panic grew the longer he couldn't find her and run back out.

"Stay here."

"Do not move from this goddamn spot."

I couldn't not move. Not while the two things I loved the most and couldn't live without were up there. Without another thought, I picked up the length of my dress and dashed up the stairs, knowing that if I did die, at least it wouldn't be at the hands of Sinn.

The temperature increased as I moved towards my door, watching as smoke lingered around it and spread throughout the hallway. I banged on Mr. Lincoln's door, making sure to hear him yell out in frustration from being bothered during his sleep. But if he inhaled some smoke, it'd do more damage to him than anyone else.

As he opened the door to yell at whoever was bugging him, I rushed into my apartment, knowing he'd get the clue and go downstairs. Fire covered the entirety of the place. I held back tears as I watched everything burn just as Sinn appeared from my bedroom door with Luna in his arms.

His eyes widened when he saw me before abruptly quickening his pace and grabbing onto my wrist to drag me out. When my eyes found Luna's, I saw that her's were closed. She was limp in his arms. I almost let out a scream but covered my mouth, feeling nausea and a heavy heart grow in my chest.

My baby.

Sinn's arm wrapped around me and pushed me forward, "come on!" He shouted in my deafened ears, trying to get us out and toward safety as quickly as possible. My gaze found his wedding ring wrapped around his finger.

Before he even realized I wasn't by his side anymore, I was back inside the apartment, not worried about the fire growing around me. I prayed on my way there that they weren't destroyed as I headed straight for the dresser beside my bed where my wedding ring and my mother's bracelet sat.

Luckily, they were only covered in some ashes but still in perfect condition. I let out a relieved breath and ran back out just as the fire exploded in the kitchen. I shrieked, crouching down and covering my face. Hot remnants fell onto my arm, burning into my skin.

The second I exited the door, my forearms were roughly pulled out into the hallway. I dipped my head, preparing for the worst.

"Are you fucking insane?" He shouted. I lifted my gaze, in shock at how angry he was, "What were you thinking? What else could've been so important that you needed to run back in there?"

I stayed silent, bowing my head as he took my wrist, gripping it tightly and pulling me forward. Outside, a fire truck pulled up to the building. Mr. Lincoln and the rest of the tenants stood outside, worried looks on their faces. I couldn't help but feel it was my fault. The fire was in my place, after all.

A black car pulled up behind the fire truck. Just as people started opening its car doors, Sinn pulled open the back door of the Rolls Royce we went to the party in tonight and forced me to get inside.

"Wait, Sinn, where's Lun-"

"Do not move your fuckin' ass from this seat, or so help me God." He seethed, slamming the door shut. I stared at it for seconds after, my chest heaving as I whimpered and my lip began quivering.

Looking around, I found him heading over to the black car that had pulled up. A familiar face stood beside it, conversing with Sinn for a few moments.


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