Chapter 17

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TW: mentions/descriptions of SA.

Everything hurts.

I woke up lying on the concrete outside of the club in a dark alleyway. My dress was ripped, my mind in a daze as warm liquid covered the skin of my thighs. When I got the strength to sit up, increasing the dizziness, I touched it. Through the dim light above me, I could see clearly that it was blood.

When I moved, a sharp pain hit my stomach, making me turn over and throw up, tears falling out of my eyes as I shook my head. This didn't happen, it couldn't have happened to me. I couldn't remember anything after washing my hands in the bathroom, what happened?

Who did this to me?

Still feeling pain in every part of my body, I lifted myself off of the ground, whimpering as the pain increased. I couldn't go back in there, whether Sinn was still in his meeting or out on the streets looking for me, and I didn't have anybody to call.

"Excuse me?" I asked some girls who were in the line at the front of the building when I got out of the alley and onto the sidewalk.

"Yes?" One of them asked, smiling kindly at me.

"Um, do you know what time it is?" I asked her, trying to conceal everything wrong with my dress and body as well as I could.

"It's one in the morning," she answered after checking her phone then looked back at me, "are you okay, honey?"

I nodded frantically, "I'm okay. Thank you."

She seemed hesitant to let me walk away without asking anything more but couldn't really stop me. I slowly, while limping, and wincing in pain, made my way back to the penthouse. It wasn't too far, probably half an hour of walking in silence, and pain.

So much pain.

I think I was in shock, considering how calm I was at the moment.

"Mrs. Hyde?" One of Sinn's men noticed me limp into the lobby, "Mrs. Hyde, are you okay?"

"I'm okay, I'm okay," I insisted as he rushed to my side, "I'm okay."

"Where's Mr. Hyde? Are you alright, did something happen?" He rushed out, probably panicking about what he should do.

"He's in a meeting, don't bother him," I told him, "I decided to walk and my, um, my heels were just harder to walk in than I anticipated. I'm going to bed, I'd like you to let Sinn know that I'm home and safe because I forgot to tell him I'm leaving. Could you do that, please?"

"Yes, of course, miss," he nodded, looking around and noticing another one of Sinn's men patrolling around, "hey, come here! Walk her to the penthouse." He came over and gestured for me to walk ahead while the other guy went to call up Sinn.

I panicked, not wanting him to see the blood that was now all over, probably dripping down my leg. "You can go first," I told him, nervously swallowing the lump in my throat. He looked at me suspiciously but nodded and walked ahead.

When we finally got into the elevator and up to the penthouse, I thanked him and pressed the close button so that he didn't have time to evaluate me when I stepped out. The doors closed immediately behind me and soon after, it went back down.

A sob forced its way out of my mouth and I covered it with my hand as if someone would overhear me. I went up the stairs, struggling, trying not to make a mess everywhere and ran straight into the shower.

Hot water poured over my shaking body and burned against the injuries that...were left over from what happened. I pulled the dress off and looked at myself, bruising on my thighs, arms and hips. I reached down and cupped the area that was injured the most, almost screaming when the tip of my fingers touched it, immediately bringing back the immense pain lingering all over.

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