Chapter 26

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Jasmine's POV...

Since the moment we left New York, my heart has been racing faster than ever. Hearing about how Julian had tried forcing himself onto Nia made me sick to my stomach. She'd at least defended herself and succeeded. Kara, Jordan and even Callum also believed her even though they weren't there to witness it.

I didn't see anything. The second the gunshot rang through the house while I was sitting on the bed in a daze, I ran into the bathroom and kept myself in the corner with my hands on top of my ears to block out any other noises. Sinn came what felt like hours later, finding me in tears, terrified and confused.

I thought while I was in there, everyone else was being attacked. I thought when I'd leave the room, everyone around me, including Sinn, would be laying in piles of their own blood.

I thought I'd find him in the same state I found mom in. Dead.

Although, this situation wasn't any better. It was like a ticking time bomb, waiting to see Sinn's reaction. But his face was stone cold as always, showing zero emotion during our goodbyes, the car ride to the jet up until we were finally about to take off and he snapped at Julian.

He hit him so many times. I'd never seen him so brutal and violent before. Even though it was towards someone who fully deserved it and more, it didn't make me feel any more at ease. The things he said to him as well seemed like they hit Julian where it really hurt, more than the physical assault he endured from multiple men today.

He called the person that's secretly infatuated with him a disappointment.

After that, Sinn didn't speak to him for the rest of the flight. I laid in his arms throughout the whole time in a deep sleep that felt like mere seconds. When he woke me up, I felt drowsy. I've rarely gotten sleep lately so when I did, I would wake up feeling horrible with a headache and nausea.

Sinn's soft kisses against my neck as I dropped my head against his chest and his arms embracing me made me feel better. As corny as it sounded, no matter how much I tried pushing him away during the past month or more, his touch was giving me the strength I needed.

It was more persistent as I was shutting him out. My body craved the comfort he gave me. There's nothing else that keeps me pushing so I don't bother pushing him away anymore. I don't care how much Julian hurts me for it, the damage is done and won't get worse. It's consistently the same, I just have to take it.

Until I can't anymore.

Sinn held my hand as we exited the plane, three separate cars waiting for us. One for us, another for Kai and Bella who was surprisingly keeping her mouth shut for once. The last was for Julian, to go to the warehouse and get his injuries fixed up.

He mustered up the fakest apology possible to Sinn who told him everything would be okay. I couldn't help but loosen my hold on his hand, wanting so badly to pull away entirely in disgust if it weren't for his tight grip.

I dropped my head in disappointment as every hope in my mind that Julian could get at least a little bit of a punishment for attempting to hurt Nia slipped away as fast as the idea had even appeared in my mind.

A small part of me thought for a second that maybe Julian was wrong all along. Maybe Sinn's loyalty towards him wasn't so strong that he'd turn a blind eye and ignore Julian's wrongdoings and instead, actually hold him accountable.

But he didn't. Of course, he didn't. Julian was right, about everything it seems.

Sinn wouldn't let go of my hand, not even in the car during our ride home. Until his phone rang and he told me to answer it, moving his hand to my thigh as I said hello to whoever was calling.

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