Chapter 40

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Sinn's POV...

"I want you driving our car," I said to Ryan. My men closely watched our surroundings, making sure there were no threats as we exited the jet. We approached the car, parked in the midst of the others that were slowly becoming occupied as I pulled the trunk open.

"Nice," Ryan smiled, picking up one of the rifles inside. 

"Let's hope we don't need to put 'em to use," I said, quickly lighting a cigarette and taking a few puffs before Jasmine got out of the jet. No matter how many times I told her that it wouldn't be any trouble for a couple of men who kill for a living to carry some kitty litter out of the plane, she insisted on helping to carry Luna's things out. 

The moment I saw her exit the jet, I threw it to the ground and stomped on it. She had her purse in one hand and Luna in the other as she helped my men put everything in the trunk of one of the cars. 

"Thank you, miss," They nodded. 

"You're welcome," She gave them a bright smile and began walking over. I licked my lips, zoning out into the sight of her hips swaying back and forth inside her tight, white dress. I palmed myself through my pants and cleared my throat. 

"Get in the car," I said to Ryan who smirked but did as told. I turned around and closed the trunk. The weapons would only freak her out even more and from that very intense plane ride that our men had to witness, she didn't need any more stress.

"You don't think carrying Luna around will tire you out, princess?" I asked her, creating small talk while everyone else piled into their cars. 

"No," she shook her head, "but if I do get tired, I'll just pass her off to her daddy." 


I nodded, stepping closer as I pet Luna on the head and looked down at Jasmine, "you look real good in that dress, baby." 

"Thank you," She gulped nervously as I tucked her hair behind her ear and leaned down, teasing her lips with mine, "Sinn, your men...They're-" 

"Minding their business," I said, "As they always should be. Now, kiss me." Her face turned red as I lowered my lips onto hers, not moving them until she did. She kissed me softly, placing her hand on the back of my neck.

Her touch took me to a place of bliss. It's an indescribable feeling that shoots every other thought out of my mind, forcing my senses to focus on her and only her. But that bliss could only last so long.

"C'mon," She said after suddenly pulling away. I clenched my jaw to contain my frustration as she strolled past me. She knows what she's doing. But the little brat loves to pretend she's the most innocent human being on the planet. 

She waited by the door until I opened it for her. She smirked and stared straight into my eyes as she sat inside. I shut the door behind her and walked around the car to the other side to get into my seat. 

Two cars began driving in front of us, and Ryan followed them. The rest stayed behind us in the formation they were told to be in at all times. Sure, it was excessive. But I didn't want to take any chances.

It was shocking how many people were still devoted to my father after his death. They respected him, they owed him their lives. So, they despised me for taking his. They'd do anything to get his revenge as if they'd be rewarded for it. 

They'd try their hardest to get even on my father's behalf. That includes getting to Jasmine. It'd be the bullseye, wouldn't it? I've just got her back. Hurting her would be the perfect way to make me crumble. 

It won't happen. They won't touch her. They can't. I'm making sure of it. As long as she's by my side, she's safe.

"Five minutes," Ryan said. 

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