Chapter 35

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"And then he just- he just comes in every single day for the past week," I stuttered, pacing around Mr. Lincoln's living room as he pets Luna's back, "orders coffee and only wants it made by me and always needs a straw."


"Not only that," I stopped and pointed at him, "he comes in there and acts like I'm some stranger. He talks to me all quietly, is kind when he orders, and refers to me as Katie. I don't understand what he's trying to do. What is that going to fix?"


"And he's leaving fifty pounds in tips every time," I snapped, plopping down on the couch, "I don't need his money! Neither does the café." As I crossed my arms over my chest, I glared down at the floor. Then I shook my head and averted my attention to Mr. Lincoln, "anyways, what do you think?"

"I think that, so far, he's not doing any harm, honey," He shrugged, "maybe he's really trying to get you back. But, uh, are you ever going to tell me what he did wrong in the first place?"

I sighed, standing up and heading to the kitchen to get his medication, "it's best if you know the least of it, Mr. Lincoln." I didn't have the heart to tell him that he already knew. I've told him multiple times. He just keeps on forgetting.

"My wife," He started, his shaking hands reaching for the glass of water and pills in my hands, "she was a little bit like you. Strong-headed but kinder than a baby elephant."


He popped the pills into his mouth and swallowed them down before handing the glass back to me. I walked back over to the kitchen to place it in the sink as he continued, "I was quite the opposite. When I met her, everyone told her I was no good. Although she didn't listen, she found out for herself why they'd say that."

He looked down at Luna as she cuddled into his lap, "but no matter how many mistakes I made, she'd never give up on me. Trust me, a lot of those mistakes were bad. Yet, she stayed with me, Jasmine because she loved me and she knew how much I loved her and wanted to change for her."

"I'm sure he knows he's messed up," He finalized, "just see how he makes up for it. He might surprise you."

When I took Luna home and walked to work, I thought about what Mr. Lincoln said. Sure, I could wait and see what Sinn does to fix this. Maybe I could even forgive him. But how could I ever forget?

"Hey, Katie," I looked up to see another employee behind the counter today. His name's Trey.

"Hi, Trey," I gave him the nicest smile I could muster up, trying to hide my disappointment. He was nice enough, but bossy and controlling.

"I'm going to need you to make some more croissants," He ordered, "and when you're done with that, you can sweep the floors. Customers have been complaining about the dirt."

"Okay," I nodded, heading to the back.

A little while later, I had prepped and shaped the croissants. Just as I placed them in the preheated oven, Trey appeared, "Katie!" I flinched at the sudden noise, bumping my hand against the inside.

I quickly grabbed at the small burn that appeared on my skin, shaking the pain off of my hand as I looked at Trey, "Yes?"

"I've got a customer up front who's asking for your coffee." He said with some attitude to his tone.

I nodded, "okay."

As I walked by him and saw Sinn standing in front of the register, he suddenly grabbed my arm to stop me, "I just don't think it's very professional to handle affairs like this at work. So make it quick, okay?"

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