Chapter 10

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Watching movies and TV shows as I grew up gave me this image of what the morning after my 'first time' would be like. Although this morning wasn't technically the one after my first time because Sinn and I hadn't gone all the way, my inexperienced, pathetic mind convinced me that I'd wake up with glowing skin, a light-feeling body and a tireless smile on my face. 

I was wrong. 

I'm sore, exhausted and my skin feels nothing like a baby's butt. When I opened my drooping eyes and turned my body to face upwards, my legs stretched out, causing them to shake from how good it felt against the soreness embedded into each muscle. 

No, it wasn't ideal because it wasn't what I expected. However, when I placed my present self into me last night, a blush rose to my cheeks and my face grew hot as butterflies erupted in my stomach. I guess that was what made the girls glow in the morning, they couldn't stop themselves from remembering that moment of bliss, a little bubble they never wanted to escape from. 

I turned to the spot beside me and saw that the sheets were ruffled up even though Sinn wasn't there, meaning he probably came back at some point during the night after finishing his work. I could've sworn I'd heard him apologize and kiss me once more before going to bed but I wasn't sure if it was my tired mind, at the time, playing tricks on me or actually what happened. 

As I thought about him, I also imagined what he must be thinking right now, if he regrets it or not. Was he going to be the same as always or take this one step at a time as he said we would? We could take a couple of steps forward but something inside him would just snap and he'd drag us back, every time. 

I'm hoping that's not the case. This time, at least. 

I wasn't going to get answers lying in bed so I forced myself up and dragged my legs over to the bathroom to brush my teeth, ridding my mouth of my morning breath. I smiled, recalling the way Sinn had held my chin and brushed them for me last night. 

When I was done, I made my way out of his bedroom and down the hall. The smell of breakfast, specifically eggs, sausage and hashbrowns filled my nose. I breathed it in, smiling happily when I entered the kitchen where Sinn stood over the fried eggs, dressed in only a pair of sweatpants. 

As his arm moved, the sculpted muscles in it and his back tensed. I bit my lip, pressing my legs together to ease the feeling he made my body go through. Now that I'd gotten a small taste of what he could do, I wanted more. I yearned for it, I wanted everything and I hated the fact. He's got the upper hand now and I couldn't do anything about it. 

"Sinn Hyde, cooking?" I questioned, making my presence known as I walked and placed myself beside his large, gorgeous, toned body. His hand made the wooden spoon in his hand look freakishly small. Those hands can do a lot...

Stop it, Jasmine. Control yourself.

"I never thought I'd see the day," I added, shaking the thoughts out of my head. 

He chuckled, glancing at me with an amused look on his face, "I'm not completely helpless." 

"Oh, yeah?" I crossed my hands over my chest and leaned back against the island he was cooking at while facing my head towards him, "then why haven't I seen this before?" 

He smirked, turning the stovetop off and then facing me, "because you look pretty cooking for me." I faltered as his eyes found mine, a newfound nervousness that he caused exploding through me. 

What is this, you idiot? One night in his bed and he's already got you choking up?

"You'd look prettier dressed in an apron," he added, coming closer, "just an apron." His body came closer until his chest was caving on mine and his arms caged me in on each side and dipped his head.  

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