Chapter 25

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The tiny bit of air left in my lungs felt like it had been brutally punched out of me when I heard those three words.

He took the purity in her and ripped it away with no remorse.

I couldn't even turn around to look at him for the rest of the flight. I didn't move or speak, it didn't even feel like I could breathe. My heart ached as I held Jasmine against me, my hand in her hair and her head on my chest. I kissed and caressed her in her sleep, unable to stare at her for too long without tears burning at the back of my eyes.

I ended the call with Rivera right after he told me. I know what I need to do, there aren't any words to be said.

My mind was filled with guilt and anger. The feeling, not just emotionally but physically, is unexplainable. I feel sick, betrayed, paranoid. I can't leave her side ever again.

I failed her.

I swore to myself that I'd protect her. While I was thinking about why she couldn't trust me and ran to Nia and Kara instead, everything was happening right under my fucking nose. One of my best friends was hurting my love.

He hurt her. He hurt Nia. Who knows what else he's done?

I couldn't let my mind wander too far about the details. When it started, why I couldn't see what was happening in front of me and how many times I couldn't see. No, not couldn't. Wouldn't. I wouldn't see it, I refused to because I never thought someone so close to me could be so vile to one of our own.

Every scream, every tear, every ounce of pain that he made princess feel would not only be inflicted on him but doubled. Tripled.

My head fell against the seat as I realized how violently my hands were shaking from how fast rage was consuming me knowing that he was right behind me, probably thinking about the next time he'd get to her.

There won't be a next time.

He's seen me at my worst. He's seen me impose an unbelievable amount of pain on people just for looking at me the wrong way. He saw me with my toys, he saw my crazy, he's seen everything. But he hasn't seen what I'd do to people who hurt what's mine. Neither have I.

I cared for him like a brother. I gave him the power, the ignorance, everything. It's my fault. If I'd just kept him away or seen the signs, none of this would've happened. I saw the signs that he was a sick fuck, I just never thought he'd act on it.

Why didn't Nia tell me? Or Kara? They obviously knew, why would they keep their mouths shut knowing she was hurting? Why didn't princess come to me? Did she honestly think that I wouldn't believe her? Or allow it to continue?

No, she'd never think that, it's probably something else...

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, realizing we were landing soon. I called Kai over, making sure he had his phone and sent him a text as he sat in front of me. I kept my jaw clenched in anticipation, searching his face to see if he already knew what was going on or not.

As he read the text, his mouth fell open in shock and his hands began shaking. He looked up at me then back down, up again to look at Jasmine's sleeping face and let out a laboured breath. I let him have a few moments to process as he thought to himself, leaning back into the seat as his muscles weakened.


That's what it was. Watching him go through the emotions similarly to me, it was obvious. I was just lucky to be facing away from everyone because it would've been a lot more evident. I felt helpless. Yeah, I was going to reign terror on this kid's body and mind but the damage had already been done.

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