Chapter 42

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"Mom, where are you?"

With a content smile, my eighteen-year-old self walked carelessly through the hallways of our house, not knowing what I'd find on the other side of my parent's bedroom door.

"Mo-" I froze after pushing the door, my heart dropping into my stomach as it moved to the side, revealing my mother's lifeless body on the floor. A bottle of the heavy sleeping pills she took was beside her, empty.

I hurried over to her, my mind deserted of all thoughts as I grabbed her arm and turned her over. She was foaming at the mouth, her eyes rolling back into her head, leaving them completely white. My lip quivered as I ducked my head, pressing my ear against her chest.

No heartbeat.

She was limp as I pulled her up and held her head in my hand, shoving my fingers down her throat to try and make her throw it all up. But there was no reaction. My breathing became erratic as an ache filled my chest, making me want to scream out as if I'd just gotten stabbed in the heart.

"God," A heartless voice came from the door. I looked up, my vision clouded from tears. I quickly blinked them away before he could see but couldn't stop my voice from breaking as I spoke.

"Dad, she-"

"Made a mess on my fuckin' floor," He spat out, his eyes void of emotion. "Finally, the whore did it. Stupid bitch has been threatening me about killing herself for the past twenty years as if I gave a shit."

My face contorted in pain as he walked away, calling for someone to grab her body. I pressed my forehead against hers, my tears falling onto her pale cheeks. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Mom."

The same helpless feeling that coursed through my mind and body during that time was back as I pushed the door open and saw my girl laying in bed, unconscious but looking like she was sleeping peacefully.

That was the only difference. Jasmine had this particular look of peace on her face whilst Mom only looked troubled. Even after finally killing herself after the heartache my father put her through, she couldn't find the peace she'd been yearning for.

Jasmine's already got it. No matter what, you wouldn't be able to tell anything's wrong from a mere look on her face. She hides it so well, even while unconscious.

I hesitated to reach out for her hand when I reached the side of the bed, the silence of the room feeling like torture. I chuckled, the sound coming out as a croak as I looked away from her and pressed the palms of my hands deep into my eyes to stop the tears from starting.

I took three long and deep breaths before dropping them back down and clearing my throat. Then I turned back around and immediately forced myself to sit in the vacant seat beside the bed, so as not to try and escape this again.

But I kept my eyes on her hand, wrapped up with an IV. I wasn't going to dare look at her face, knowing I'd lose it.

"God, baby," I rocked back and forth in the chair, unable to hold still as I clenched my jaw, bit down on my lip, doing everything I could to try and ease my nerves, "I hate this. Fuck, I- This wasn't supposed to happen. If I knew, you wouldn't have been on that goddamn roof. I don't-"

My breath hitched when her finger twitched. I blinked, thinking it was in my head, "Princess, can you hear me?" It moved again. My hands immediately reached out for her. I gently grasped her fingers, interlocking them with mine and laying my forehead on top.

Lifting my head, I pressed my lips against each knuckle on her pretty hand, "I love you, baby. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry for this. For everything. I didn't- I thought you'd be safe as long as you were with me. Please, forgive me."

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