Chapter 52

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"Hey, dinner's ready." 

We all made our way to the dinner table in the room across from the den. Both rooms were at the entrance of the house, overlooking the driveway and city in the distance. The large, shining windows in the dining room made for the perfect view while eating dinner. 

I took a seat beside Jasmine. Beside her were Alexis, Jordan, and Kara. At the head of the table was Seth, on the other side of him was Axel, Nia, and then William. That left the seat beside William for Callum, who entered the room soon after I'd realized it.

His face fell as he scanned the room, seeing that William had stupidly chosen to sit next to Nia, purposefully separating the couple. Even she seemed anxious as she looked at Callum. I made eye contact with him, quirking a brow to silently ask him if he wanted me to do something.

He simply shook his head so I backed down. But the smug look on William's face when Callum defeatedly took his seat pissed me off. I watched him closely, noticing the way he behaved during dinner.

He was staring Callum down like a predator hunting its prey. And surprisingly, it affected Callum. I didn't know the truth behind their history but it was quite obvious how the old man was teasing Callum in the smallest but effective ways. 

Just as I was about to speak up, I noticed a knife beside Williams's torso. My gaze raised to Nia, who was poking it into his side, and immediately made him tense up. "How's the food, William? I hope you like it?" 

I cleared my throat and held back a smile as he responded, "I-It's good. Thank you." 

"Only good?" She feigned offense and dug it further.

"It's amazing." He stammered, holding onto the table like his life depended on it. It did.

"Thank you," She smiled kindly and pulled the knife out at a torturously slow speed. "Here, let me cut your chicken for you." She offered and began before he could say no. My mouth fell open in shock when she used the same bloody knife to cut through his chicken for him.

William quickly excused himself after that. The only one to bid him goodnight was innocent, little Axel, "Night night." He shoved noodles into his mouth with his hands until Seth stopped him, reminding him of his manners.

"What do you guys wanna do now?" Kara asked.

"I've got business with these guys," Seth announced, standing from his seat, referring to me, Jordan, and Callum. He looked at Axel, "After I put you to bed." 

"But it's not my bedtime yet, Daddy," Axel argued but rubbed his tired eyes a moment later. 

"It's bedtime. Sorry, kid." Seth said and lifted him into his arms. "Kiss your girl's goodnight and meet me in the den." 

Jordan, Callum, and I shared equally confused looks. But we didn't have much of a choice. I turned to Jasmine and pecked her lips, "Call me if you need me." She nodded and I stood up, leaving the room with the other two.

 We sat in the den for a few minutes, waiting in silence. 

"You think we're going to have a foursome?" Jordan whispered.

"Shut up," Callum said.

"'Kay." He sighed. I closed my eyes, counting down the seconds. "Fivesome? Maybe he'll bring that cutie outside." I looked back, seeing one of Seth's guards at the window with his back turned to us. 

I heard a thud and turned back around, seeing Jordan rubbing his cheek with a pained look on his face and a shoe on the ground in front of him. Surely enough, when my eyes wandered over to Callum, a shoe was missing from one of his feet.

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