3. The First Prince

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A/N: Again, this is a fictional story.

Next upload will be on or before next Sunday October 31





"Earth to Amelia." Donna interrupted the woman from her daydreaming. The club is full of noise and yet this friend of hers looks unperturbed.


"You okay?"

"Of course." Mia smiled at her friend and ushered another client to one of the available tables. She's been thinking about the incident last week.

"You noticed it, too?" Donna asked while following her friend around just to gossip.


"Mr. Bryne."

The deputy mayor didn't visit the club and didn't bother Mia anymore. The woman only wished that it will be a consistent thing.

"Yes. I'm aware." Mia responded and went back to her station.

"Are you also aware that big boss is starting to lose his hair because Mr. Bryne is joking about the club's retirement?" Donna whispered flatly.

Mia looked at her friend and furrowed her brows. "What do you mean?"

"Rumors has it, the twisted man is using his position to you know... you." Donna told her with an edgy tone. The entertainer couldn't fathom that man's crafty ways. She looked at her friend with a slight of sympathy.

Mia shut her eyes. Her peaceful days were over just like that. And just in time, one of her colleagues called her to the manager's office.



The two women uttered at the same time. The manager raised her hand and gestured for the employee to sit first.

"M, you might hear by now about Mr. Bryne. Boss is not happy about the turning of events. I, on the other hand, am on your side. But I cannot overpower the owner's decision." The manager informed her.

"Am... I going to be fired?" Mia prepared herself for the answer. Her thoughts advanced to the future--the unpaid bills, the operation and maintenance for her younger brother, Thomas.

"Of course not. I've bargained with our boss. Your working days will be reduced to four days a week. Is that okay with you?" The manager responded. She really did negotiate for the lady employee to lessen the woman's exposure from the hungry eyes of their patrons and also to appease their boss.

This is not the first incident that someone fancied Mia and wanted her in exchange for the club's stability. There were two big shot businessmen and another official who took interest with the lovely woman in the past.

Mia exhaled in relief. It's better than having to look for another job which could also pay weekly. Having this situation, she consoled herself that she can spend more time with Thomas.


The Mudhish Kingdom of Middle-east continent

"The First Prince has arrived, your Majesty." The spokesman announced.

The King, who was seated on the throne at the great hall of the Mudhish Palace, stood up and welcomed his first heir. "Son, it's a pleasure to see you after half a year."

The handsome royalty nodded and knelt down to pay respect to his beloved parents. "This Prince greets His Majesty, the King and Her Majesty, the Queen."

"Rise, son. Enough with the formalities." King Jabal told the younger lad and hugged him.

The Queen also got up and walked towards their son. She cupped his face and looked at him tenderly. "Mother misses you so much."

Neero smiled and embraced both of his adoptive parents. He spent time with them that day and also admitted that he longed for them, too.

He's always been grateful that they love him and took him as their own child.

As what one person can read in the Kingdom's history, their Majesties, in the first decade of their rulership, had a hard time conceiving a child. At that period, The Institution, together with the cabinet, was pressuring the two royals about their successor.

Because of the royal ultimatum, the Elders suggested another way of producing an heir--through adoption. That specific action is allowed in their kingdom and was preferred by the King because he wanted his first child to be with the Queen and not with anyone from the harem.

That's why, when the couple had visited the States for two weeks, they decided to adopt an aloof yet charming six-year-old boy, whom they saw at an orphanage back then. They didn't regret it because Neero grew up to be an elegant and impressive man.

"Your Majesties, I will take my leave now. I'll see you in the morning. Have a good rest." Neero bid his goodbye after talking with his parents for half a day. He then went straight to his chambers and took a bath before resting.

As he lay on the king-sized bed, he couldn't help but to reminisce under the influence of the silent night.

Growing up, he's aware of his biological parents but didn't bother to have a relationship with them as he still remembered how his real mother treated him as a young kid.

Neero grew up with a nanny and there were few times that his mother, Victoria Yushkova, would utter the words "bastard and unworthy" because of being an illegitimate child.

His mother hid him at a small house wanting to maintain her good standing in the society. The Yushkova family was thriving to be known in the business world that time. They hold a few connections and wouldn't think twice to take a lot of opportunities to expand their business. Along with that, their so called reputation is like a gold that needs to be polished.

As a result, Victoria gave him up and had him delivered at the doorsteps of the Antioch Orphanage to completely sever their ties.

At first, Neero became devastated with his mother's action. It resulted with him becoming indifferent to his surroundings because that's the only way he can subdue the feeling of rejection and any possible pain.

As a young adult and a pampered son of the King, he developed his only flaw of jumping from one relationship to another. He didn't want commitment but only the pleasure of it because of his past experience with his mother. If you emotionally invest in a relationship,  sooner you will be in pain. That kind of lifestyle went on until he met Natalia Zimmer--- the then Mrs. Gates.

The woman is different from the several ladies he had dated. She's the first one who's not enticed with him being a royal and treated him as an ordinary individual. He was challenged because of it. She's not your average woman who will depend on one person's wealth and vast connections except when talking about business.

Natalia is honest and know what she wanted. She also showed him that life is more than what he can think of. So, he opened himself to pursue a woman for real. The lady definitely captured his heart but he wasn't able to capture hers.

Because of what happened, Neero wanted to move forward. That's why he needed this vacation. He needed to drift away from her presence even for a while.

Shutting his eyes off, an image of a woman with curly hair suddenly flashed in his mind.

Neero's eyes flung open because he couldn't understand why of all people, including Natalia, his mind chose to display the innocent-looking woman. Shaking his head, he tried to relax and sleep.

After several minutes of tossing over the bed, he concluded that sleep is ignoring him. At the end, Neero sighed in defeat and reached for his phone. He called his assistant and instructed him with something.

"Aaron, forward to me all the information you can find about Madonna Lopez." He ended the call then threw his phone away.


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