45. Misunderstanding

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A/N: Warning for a romantic scene.

Mudhish Palace

“Let’s go home.” Mia blurted out and stopped her husband from doing some romantic exercises because both of them were tired. She’s thankful that he didn’t push it even though she expressed that she misses him too. 

“Let’s stay like this for a while.” Neero hugged her for several minutes. It’s obvious how tense his body was but Mia didn’t ask about it. She has an idea of what had possibly transpired.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

“Your highnesses, his Majesty summoned you.” Announced by Aaron.

Neero clenched his jaws and Mia saw it. The woman observed that his mood went down.

“Hey, what’s the matter?” She asked, feeling the odd temper of her husband. She caressed his chest while staring at his furrowed brows.

“Later.” Neero’s cold voice responded and got up. Then they silently walked to the receiving area.

“Your majesty.” The young husband and wife greeted the Master of the palace.

The King looked intently at the couple before speaking, “My son and daughter-in-law.”

The couple bowed down and also saw the Queen and Tamar talking with each other beside the King. Mia could guess the purpose of the summon.

“It’s… It’s just a misunderstanding, father.” Tamar sadly voiced out.

“What do you have to say, son?” Queen Laura asked as she consoled the Princess.

“Like what she said, a misunderstanding… mother.” 

“Very well. We won’t let petty things like a prank drive a hedge between us, right?” The King concluded. Their daughter confessed that she only humored the Princess Consort before the wedding. She's safe and the wedding happened. No harm done. 


Neero tightened his grip on Mia’s hands and the woman just soothed him by brushing her other hand to his forearm. They shouldn’t let emotions get the best of them. 

The First Prince calmed down. “Your Majesties, it’s getting late. My wife and I will now go back home."

"You sure don't want to stay for the night?" The Queen replied with another question.

"No need, your majesty."

"Very well." The King dismissed the newly wed and called the night off.

"Father, mother. I'm very sorry for bothering you tonight. I didn't give you a face with my scandalous action." Tamar sobbed, looking very distraught at the outside appearance.

"There, there. Cry no more. Your brother was just being protective of his wife. The Princess Consort is well." The King consoled as he looked at his wife.

Tamar balled her fists at the statement. But her father is right. Neero was just emotional at the moment. She became certain that everything will be fine by the end of the day. At least that's what she convinced herself with.


“Did they hurt you?” Neero asked when they got inside the vehicle. He can now scan his wife carefully and cage her inside his arms, transferring his warmth onto Mia’s soft frame. No one would wonder how he keeps on checking his wife like they just got together.


“...and thank you for your men out there.” Mia simply replied, not wanting to explain the whole thing. What matters is she came back in one piece and is able to be with her man and family once again. She's also sure that the service guards would give him a full report later on.

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