7. Grateful

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Mudhish Palace

The Princess couldn't accept the fact that Neero is already engaged. Almost the entire day, she just locked herself up inside the bedroom.

"Your highness, please eat something." Tisha encourages her master. It was the third time that she refused to eat. The maidservant felt some pity for the Princess. It's been Tamar's dream to be the wife of Neero since her teenage years.

After a while, a knock was heard outside.

The queen mother has arrived at the doorsteps of the Princess.

"Your Majesty." Tisha opened the door and bowed her head.

"Where's my daughter?" Queen Laura inquired. A slight frown can be observe on her beautiful face.

The maidservant stepped aside to let the Queen pass and see the gloomy Princess.

"Tamar." The Queen called out but her daughter didn't even glance back and continued staring at the window. The royal mother sat on the edge of the huge bed facing the back of the Princess.

"You know that cannot be, Tamar. He's your brother. Please understand."

The Princess still didn't respond, but her shoulders were shaking. She's silently crying. "It's my birthday. And this is what I got?" Tamar countered. Her voice was shivering.

The Queen can't help but softened her heart but still stood firm. "Princess, you have so many suitors to choose from. The son of the Grand Duke at Shechem has set his heart on you. Please forget this madness and consider his proposal."

"My heart is also set for one man. He's definitely not the son of a random duke." Tamar replied stubbornly and quickly wiped her tears away.

"You just can't. The King has spoken. Every royalty knows about the engagement already." The Queen informed her.

"Then please delay it, mother." Tamar faced the older woman. "At least, let me have some more time with Ne--- Eldest Brother."

Queen Laura closed her eyes and nodded. "Alright. I will talk to your father." That is all she can do to somehow lift off the sadness from her only daughter.

After talking and agreeing to their discussion, the Queen left the room in deep thoughts.

"Your highness." Tisha approached the Princess when the former signaled for her maidservant.

Tamar scribbled something on a piece of paper and handed it to her maid.

"Princess... this is.."

"Just get it done." Tamar firmly instructed. Tisha, her personal attendant, bowed her head and exited the room to do the task.

The Princess smiled to herself and ate her food.



"That's too far..." Thomas uttered in surprise.

"Yes. But the trip will be paid by the company. And I won't be alone there." Mia said smiling and somehow convinced her brother.

"Amelia, would you be okay?" Juliette asked while setting up the lunch for Thomas.

"I will. My new boss is a good person. Our training will start on Monday. Then after a week, we will fly out." Mia responded as Juliette nods.

She didn't mention anything about her other work because they have no knowledge of it. Mia reminded herself to drop by the night club that night of weekend and ask for a one-week leave.

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