37. A Favor

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A/N: Warning for romantic scene.

This is my last upload this week. (Ahead of my schedule again)

I will be busy this coming days so kindly wait patiently for the next chapter.



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Betiko Grand Villa

Neero was talking to Aaron on his phone about some company matters and royal engagements while waiting for the mother and daughter to finish their conversation.

He opened his laptop and worked briefly, responding to several important messages. He was not aware of the current time and only stopped when he heard a series of knocks.

Mia entered the study room with a small tray, containing two cups of tea. She put it on the coffee table which is near the office desk.

Neero finally lifted his eyes and closed his laptop, smelling a faint flowery scent. His expression became relaxed and leaned back on the chair.

"Duchess Dinah?"

"Mother and Tara (personal attendant) already went home." Mia simply replied with a smile and told him about the generous presents. She then approached him and handed the tea while glancing at his tired eyes.

"Hmm." Neero drank from the cup and instinctively encircled his arms over her soft frame.

Mia sat on his lap and reclined on his chest. She gently massaged his eyebrows with her thumb and sighed absent-mindedly on the information that her mother had mentioned earlier.

Few of the government officials are still thinking twice about Neero's eligibility. Not that she cared for it, but was worried about his feelings.

She knows that Neero equally deserves being at the position.

"What is it?" Neero felt the sudden changed on her mood and captured her delicate hand, bringing it to his lips.

"About the Crown Prince selection..." Mia  whispered gently and lifted her green orbs to meet his.

Neero's eyes softened at her concern.

"Don't think about it as I haven't. Let things take its own course. I'm not bothered."

Mia slowly nodded and nuzzled on his shoulder.

Neero, on the other hand, was stirred by her sweet action and lovingly caressed her back.

The couple felt the rising temperature among the four walls of the room and stared intently at one another.

Both chests rose up and down as their breathing became unsteady.

Neero leaned down and crossed the distance between their heads, capturing Mia's sultry lips. He held her neck in place, devouring her mouth as his other hand slowly untied the belt of her robe.

Mia, in return, clutched his collar and drowned herself on the intense kiss. She moaned when he completely disrobed her, trailing his mouth on her neck down to the top of her chests.

All of her concerns were buried at the moment and think of her husband instead.

She lightly gasped when Neero tore the thin material covering her and drew his lips on one of her ample bosoms while caressing the other one with his hand.

He carried her to the master's bedroom which is just across the study and totally disregarded all her garments before laying her on the bed.

Mia's naked frame met with Neero's as he stripped himself and hovered on top of her, teasing her with his feverish hands.

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