15. Face

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A/N: Second upload of the week.. Happy weekend! Love lots! ^_^

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Weeks have gone by and two months have ended.

Juliette Pieta, one of Eakin's foster parents,  was looking for Mia. On a rainy weekend, she went to the hospital to talk with the siblings. Her head hung low as she stepped inside the hospital room. 

“It’s okay, mother. We already know.” Mia uttered and Juliette collapsed in the young woman’s embrace. Fred Pieta is suffering from pancreas malfunction and needs to be operated. Their money was not enough to fund the procedure and has no health care, either.

Thankfully, Mia became a permanent employee last month because of her hard work and efficiency in what she does. She's now became the officer in charge of their division while her boss is on maternity leave. She proved herself that even without a certification, good work ethics and perseverance could pay off. 

Because of her work at The Belle Shop, Mia obtained a decent savings and didn't think twice to help the Pietas. Actually, both Thomas and her had decided on the matter. The savings are meant for the former's heart device but they lent it to the Pieta family for the meantime. 

"Thank you. Thank you so much." Juliette uttered and hugged the two beautiful siblings. 

Meanwhile, Neero visits the Salem household twice a month. It’s to show that he is really considering the household as part of the royal family. Most of his time there, he talks and discusses business with the Elder Salem and the old man became very fond of him. 

In contrast, Melinda stayed silent everytime the First Prince visited. The Elder sighed and knew that his granddaughter is very shy and was thinking about her appearance. No one in the family judges her looks because they know the terrible history of it.

Neero saw the importance of Melinda’s family support and admired the Salem household more. He once attempted to have a civil conversation with the young lady but the woman avoided him like a plague. Duchess Dinah, along with the other members of the family, apologized to him. 

“It’s alright. I understand.” The First Prince uttered as he marched towards the exit of the Salem mansion. Melinda hesitantly escorted him to the main doors. The woman bowed to him like her life depended on it when they reached the end of the hallway. He chuckled at the action and went on his way nevertheless.

As the prince exited their home, Melinda headed straight to the study room and greeted her mother. 

“Your grace.” The lady lifted her white veil and bowed to the older woman.

“You’re doing great, Tara.” The duchess commented and signaled to follow her at her chambers.

“How long should I pretend, your grace?” The personal attendant inquired. She was bemused as to why did the duchess do not let their young miss to meet Neero all this time.

“As long as needed.” Dinah replied briefly.


"How long is it this time?" Thomas asked about her siblings' new assignment. 

"Only three days." Mia smiled as she read some documents on her laptop. She's reviewing the contract about the new collaboration with another company. They have closed the deal and the photo and video shoot will take place next week.

"I thought you won't do any shoots this time?" The young man inquired again.

"Yes. No. The artist assigned to this project has a family emergency." Mia replied and closed her computer. 

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