61. Counter-argument

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The monarch couple turned their heads at the newly arrived guests. Queen Laura raised her eyebrows while the King's face couldn't be painted.

'How did she... How come is she here?!' King Reuben mentally cursed his useless men. As the three women moved towards them, cold sweat formed on his back. He wasn't aware or did not want to care about the two half-masked ladies accompanying the matured woman. He had a calm expression but couldn't stop the wariness of his own thoughts.

"Your Majesties." Duchess Dinah politely greeted as she bowed her head down. She briefly looked over the King as she slowly raised her head and gave a lovely smile to the couple.

"Duchess Dinah, finally you're here. I see that you've brought your two daughters, too." The Queen said, smiling and looking over the two graceful ladies. She hid her real emotions behind the fake facade.

Some of the onlookers, who were not present at the special investigation last week, heard what the Queen uttered and found out the truth about the Salem siblings. One of them married the First Prince and the other is still a maiden.

Almost everyone had adjusted their attitudes towards the Salem family. In the past, they felt contempt for the Duchess' daughter and her appearance. Now that they know about their strong backing through the First Prince, it was already forgotten and decided to establish connections with all of the Salem members before the banquet ends.

On the other hand, when she heard the whispers, Princess Tamar glanced at the trio and sneered in her heart.

Thomas saw the change in her expression and followed the Princess' line of sight. His eyes darkened as he saw contempt in Tamar's eyes and subtly held her wrist to hinder her impulsive action.

"Think before you act. There's a lot on your parent's plate right now." Thomas advised the woman.

"Don't touch me." Tamar gritted her teeth and stopped moving. She looked straight ahead while twisting her arm out of the man's light grip.

"Suit yourself." Thomas sighed and let go. His action bought enough time for the Three Maidens to come forward and stood around his adoptive sister, Mia.

"Mother, what are they doing here? Where's brother?" Tamar walked towards her parents and asked, ignoring the Salem family.

The Queen replied and glanced at Mia, "I'm about to ask the Princess Consort. Amelia, where's my son?"

"Answering the Queen, my husband will follow suit." Mia simply answered. Neero is just around the corner. All of them are waiting for the right moment.

"That boy. Always busy doing things. He already missed out on the mourning period." The King uttered and stared straight ahead. He was avoiding looking at the duchess in front of them.

"Worry not, your Majesties. The First Prince will not let this important day slip by." Mia answered and observed the King. She was keen on his every expression. A person wouldn't think about his shady behavior towards her mother, Duchess Dinah.

The Queen, not having the faintest idea, nodded and was satisfied with Mia's seemingly sincere response.

Tamar, in contrast, slurred inside. "Of course, it's our Royal Uncle whom we are talking about. Normally, First brother will make time for his first family."

Mia slightly raised her one eyebrow at the words but let it go. She briefly gazed at Tamar without saying anything. The person isn't worth her breath anyways.

Queen Laura didn't reprimand her youngest child but felt the awkward silence among the group. She whispered to Mia and told her to confirm Neero's whereabouts.

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