32. The Akilah Siblings

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A/N: Hi there! Sorry for the late update. Many things happened.

Greeting for your fathers and dads out there!

Two uploads for this week in celebration of father's day and for the 2022 NBA Champs--the Warriors!

Happy weekend!


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Neero and Mia took a last glance at the stranger before going back to the gathering inside the palace.

The handsome man shielded his lady with his body from the older man's gaze as they walked back.

"Be careful with that woman." Augustine blurted out to no one in particular.

The monarch couple didn't say anything and just stared at the man, seemingly waiting for the explanation.

"Laura. 'You hear me?" The older brother questioned when silence met him.

"Why do we need to listen to you? You're not even—" The King coldly said before something cut his words.

A low laugh rang in the background. Augustine waited for a while to calm himself down.

"Funny that you didn't even investigate that lady. Laura, that is not your way." Augustine said, still ignoring the husband of his sister.

"Why are you here?" The queen asked, instead of giving a reply to her brother's statement. She observed Augustine longer this time.

His aristocratic presence didn't fade and her brother's outstanding features are still there. Wrinkles are the only change that the man obtained from all those years of absence.

"You let this matter slide because of Neero? Word got out that this particular woman already knew of the truth about her birth. She's not a royalty and yet she's pretending to be one. She's aware of this but keeps it from being exposed. You really allow that kind of woman to lurk around the First Prince?" Augustine revealed the fact about Mia. He has many connections so it didn't take a lot of time finding the DNA result between the Eakins siblings.

These past few years, he's been keeping tabs on the royal family. His blood family.

So who is Augustine, really...

He is the eldest among the two Akilah siblings. The Akilah clan was the original successor of the throne. Augustine was indeed the rightful king.

When his exile happened, many paths were created. The sole monarch's responsibility fell on Laura's shoulder and was crowned as the Queen after their parents died of old age.

When Laura married Reuben Jabal, the latter became the highest official of the kingdom. Laura transferred her crown rights to her husband because she isn't fond of politics. She let Reuben take the mantle of leadership and didn't regret it because he turned out to be a great ruler.

Now that Augustine is back, Queen Laura only wishes that her brother changed for the better and won't cause any unwanted incident.

"We will gauge Miss Eakins on her own merit. I will personally deal with her once it's confirmed." The queen simply replied.

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