A Date With a Marine

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"Was that passion just for the sake of the moment or were you perhaps... interested in me?" He bit his lip in anticipation.

"Okay Terri, I'm just going to say this and get it over with... I've been struggling through a recent breakup, with my first boyfriend actually. And I'm slowly getting over it but I've not yet recovered. I just thought you should know that." I confessed regretfully.

He exhaled in a way that his cheeks filled up with air and released. I guess he wasn't expecting that news.

"I understand...so do you think you'll get back together with him?"

"No. That's very doubtful since he's in Hawaii, dating another girl." I frowned. "It was a long distance relationship, and although we broke up in December, I hadn't seen him for about 6 months."

"Oh! I'm sorry to hear that..."

"So the question is, now that I've told you that are you still interested in knowing my answer?" I bit my lip this time.

"Of course..."

"It wasn't just for the sake of the moment. I am oddly attracted to you; you're so different. But for the time being...friends?"

"I'll accept that... Give me a chance and get to know me. I know it's been a little weird, my relation to Janet and this whole thing with your mother...but just give it time and see?"

"Okay, but as friends."

"Say nothing more." He smiled.


"Hey kiddo, how's the new year treating you?"

Kiddo, since when does Devin refer to me as kiddo? Now it's crystal clear how he sees me, as permanent as a black Sharpie. I sat at the bar 20 minutes shy of clocking in for my evening shift and took out some pamphlets I had been reviewing.

"New York, Washington, San Francisco...Boston? You've really been doing your research on culinary schools haven't you?" Devin said quite interested.

"I sent my application for San Francisco and New York. I'm kind of excited about moving someplace else for a while." I said without hesitation.

"So you're going to get certified and then come back and work for me as our newest chef right?" He winked.

"Unless I get a better offer." I laughed.

"I'm proud of you Brynn. You're living out my dream and I couldn't be more thrilled for you." Devin bent over to hug me.

Although it would take 2 years to get my certification, I was planning on entering the Pastry Arts and Bakery program. I have a soft spot for desserts, I can't help it. But thanks to Devin, Janet and Aaron, I finally knew what career I wanted to pursue.

"So, you never told me...who did you kiss at midnight?" I said while poking his side.

Devin didn't seem too amused; in fact he was rather serious. Had I said something wrong?

"Actually, no one."

"Really? What happened to going with the moment and kissing a random stranger?"

"I couldn't find anyone worth kissing...or that I wanted to anyway... And where did you disappear to?"

"I went outside."

"Oh, I wish I would have known that." Devin said disappointed.

Okay wait a minute, why was he wishing he'd 'known' that? Was he looking for me? I thought he and Izzy had...

"So who did Izzy kiss? Did you happen to see?"


"The other bartender?" I asked to be sure.

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