The Red Witch

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Isaiah kept readjusting his black fedora to see how it looked best. Meanwhile I rolled my eyes  with every pose he did in front of the mirror in my entry way. He looked nervous but dashing in his black and white striped mafia suit. His equal excitement for this party were for other  reasons, and to support me of course.

I wore an off white Flapper girl's dress with  swinging fringes and a side part with sleek waves. Mom added a white feathered hair piece and let me borrow her red lipstick. Isaiah and I dazzled as a couple, only we weren't.

We took his truck and made our way by seven o'clock. I talked Isaiah's ear off, repeating how nervous I was about seeing Aaron again. He was cool for the first half of the car ride, then he chimed in on how cute Lilah looked and if she was single. I knew it!

Lilah's directions got us to the fancy location. She waited outside for us as Isaiah left the car with the valet. I loved her black off the shoulder gown and similar red lip. After the happy greetings, she escorted us to the reserved room. The guest of honor was minutes away.

We walked into a room full of disguises and spotted a guy dressed as The Mask with a white suit. According to Lilah, Aaron was the only one allowed to wear the official Dick Tracy yellow. We continued to the back of the room and waited as everyone got ready to shout.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, AARON!" Chorused the entire room when signaled by a fake open fire from a toy tommy gun.

There he was, glowing and looking ever so handsome like the moment I first saw him. He stood out in his bright mustard colored suit, pretending to shoot the air and laughing with his friends. It took me a moment to see a Jessica Rabbit look alike from behind, with her sparkly ruby dress holding on to his arm. I couldn't see them well as they were crowded by many guests.

Isaiah read my face and ushered me towards our table. Funky jazz music blasted through the speakers, but it felt more like a wedding reception as Aaron was passing through all the tables greeting his friends and family members. The closer he got to ours, the more my hands began to shake. I could barely control my breathing let alone my heart racing in my chest.

"Brynn relax." Isaiah sat next to me and kept me calm. "Stay."

I couldn't stay. I bolted towards the bathroom, like a coward, and remained there for twenty minutes. The thought of Aaron ignoring me frightened the crap out of me. I would fall apart right there on the floor like the pathetic lovesick girl that I was.

Now that I didn't have any part in his life, I wanted him back. But seeing Aaron with someone else hurt more than I expected. To know we shared passionate kisses and now I couldn't even shake his hand because he was disgusted with me. Where to find courage?

"Elise, hun are you okay?" Lilah asked once she entered the powder room.

"Oh, I-I'm fine. I just got dizzy all of a sudden and thought I should wait here just in case."

"You're not pregnant, right?" She poked. "I'm teasing! You just missed Aaron though. I introduced him to Isaiah but was worried you hadn't returned yet. Do you want me to stay with you?"

"No, I'm ready to head back." I smiled and walked out in front of her.

When I got back to the table, Isaiah gave me a sympathetic smile and asked if I wanted to dance. Maybe a dance would shake off these uneasy jitters. The music didn't waver from the classic movies. Countless couples swung their partners, tossed and spun. The dance floor dynamic was unlike anything I've ever seen before. Lilah watched us from the table and I hinted at Isaiah that it was her turn now.

Once Isaiah switched partners, bee-lined for the buffet. The wait wasn't long as I admired the creative outfits around me. I saw an eye-popping purple suit and couldn't stop staring. The guy stepped back to reveal Aaron laughing with him. And what I feared the most happened, he accidentally caught sight of me. I thought he would turn stone cold, or even tell me to leave. But surprisingly, he gave a short smile and patted his friend on the back while walking around him.

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