The Partner

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Jordan drove his black Jeep with the hood off, leaving my hair looking more like a lion's mane when we got there. I admired Elizabeth as she appeared naturally stunning; she had a similar orange dress that blew in the wind like a boy's fantasy. Meanwhile, I refused to acknowledge Jordan, to even think of complimenting him would make me hurl. Especially when he kept checking on me through the rear view mirror. They made me stand out in the wrong way, an ordinary brunette tagging along with Barbie and Ken siblings.

Down at the beach, you could hear the music vibrating the layers of sand off the ground. There were lights flailing all around and a white canopy where the DJ was set up. The closer we got the brighter and higher the flames twirled from the bonfire. It stood like a massive tepee, I could barely see past it. We walked barefoot as I stared hard at the free spirits in swim suits and trunks.

It wasn't long before Jordan came back with Jell-O shots, declaring this would help me socialize. The last thing I planned on doing was getting drunk tonight, but I'd still remember my name after one harmless shot. Jordan kept running off with his friends leaving Izzy and I the freedom to explore. I tried retraining my brain, wanting to be more approachable. And then I realized, I was the one who had to initiate things. How else would I finally ask Isaiah out?

The hunting began. I scoped the land of these bare chested creatures while the Jell-O shots lived up to the hype. Eventually, I found a guy that looked similar to Isaiah. Strolling over, not sure what to say just yet, but he saw me coming and turned to face me. He had a beer in one hand and placed the other on my back so I could lean in. The music made it a little difficult to hear.

"What's your name?" He shouted.

"Elise." My middle name. "What's yours?"

"Mike. Who are you here with?"

"Just some friends." I tried shouting over the volume but it didn't allow for a smooth conversation.

"Can I get you a drink?"

I nodded, although I wasn't sure if I'd drink it all, either way this seemed pretty easy. Mike returned with drinks and motioned for me to follow him, I hadn't noticed the outdoor furniture further down The Pit. Funny how this guy looked like Isaiah but sure didn't act like him. He was forward with no beating around the bush.

As we sat on the couch he kept asking me personal questions while some answers I gave had little truth to them. Mike rambled on about himself and I kept wondering if he was going to kiss me or not. And if I even wanted him to.

"Do you want to get out of here?" He asked with a sly grin.

"I can't, I'm here with friends."

I could tell he was over this party and my chances were slipping. Before I spoke too soon, he leaned closer. This was the moment, my first kiss. Imagining this was Isaiah, and how much he longed to confess his feelings for me, I couldn't shake the fact that it wasn't real. Mike was real. And this kiss would be real.

Once I felt his wet mouth on my neck, I grew stiff. It didn't count as a kiss...yet. I thought I'd suffer a little longer, but mentally I was screaming; this wasn't enjoyable. My hands began to push back as I scooted over. But like a slug, he had a couple of beers and must have thought I was playing hard to get. Forget this! I shoved him off and hurried the heck away from there.

So my first attempt wasn't successful. I went looking for Izzy but spotted Jordan instead, dancing with a redhead. Needing a break from this 'injection', I found an empty seat in front of the fire. I clasped on to my dress, closing the gap of my exposed chest as I sulked on the solitary log. Not realizing I was zoning out, watching the dancing flames as I tuned out all the noise.

Why did I play along in the first place? There was no rush to kiss anyone. What would this say about me, my reputation, or lack of one? Did I need to fit in that bad and risk becoming just like these girls? None of them were competing to be role models. Then and there I proved my point, I didn't need Jordan's help.

Pleased with my decision, I smiled, happy to recognize the old me again. I hadn't seen Izzy for a while, still I didn't mind sitting there for the rest of the night. Approaching the fire, wearing a blue hoodie and cutoff jeans, was a rather cute boy. I watched him as he took notice of me and shift his direction. His hands were tucked in his sweater and he sported an even cuter set of dimples.

"Hey, how's it going? Looks like you're having too much fun over here."

"It's a private party." I smirked.

"Well, extend the invitation... may I join?" He actually waited for me to nod before sitting at the other end. "I'm Aaron."

"Brynn." I had enough pretending for the night. "So why aren't you chugging down a beer?"

"Because... I happen to be the designated driver. Yup, all my buddies are out there getting drunk out of their minds and I get to sit back and enjoy the show." I chuckled with him and agreed, it was quite the show. "So what about you?"

"I'm here with my best friend and her brother, on a little experiment which I failed at. But I couldn't be happier with the outcome." I buried my toes in search of cool sand. The combination of that, the warm fire, and nice breeze felt so relaxing.

"Experiment you say... Do continue." He raised an eyebrow while inching closer.

"An injection of college culture."

"Ah, I see. But this isn't all what college is about. Fun for some, but not all."

"What's your idea of fun then?" I turned to face him, no longer seeing him a stranger.

"That." He pointed at the water. We paused and stared at the light breaking of the wave over the sandbar. "I love the water. And I see you've got a bathing suit. Come on!" He grabbed my hand and dragged me forward.

I don't know what came over me, but my inner child skipped along. My feet felt the wet sand as we walked in, ankles deep. The view was amazing, a half-moon glistening over the blackness. I stood still until I realized Aaron wasn't around. Before I could peek over my shoulder, something ran past me and dove into the water. Head first. I shrieked from the cold sprinkle. Seconds later, Aaron's head popped up. For a brief moment, I had a crazy idea.

"What are you waiting for? Get your butt in here girly!" He shouted while splashing me.

I sprinted back to shore and tossed my dress on the sand, running even faster into the water. Thankfully, it was too dark to see my two piece and how not sexy it looked on me. Because I don't do sexy. In the water, my fixed hair and makeup washed away, revealing my true dorky self, braces and all. Yet, this was more fun than playing a role I suck at.

"So Brynn, what were you expecting out of this 'injection of college culture'?"

"I'm still not sure. Actually, and I don't know why I'm telling you this, but my friend's brother thinks I'm pathetic because I want my first kiss to be special and all that. I guess he planned on turning me into a female version of himself." I admitted and felt strangely at ease talking to this stranger.

"Please tell me you didn't follow through with this plan of his?"

"I didn't! I couldn't! Maybe a good or bad thing, who cares!"

"So you've never kissed a guy before?" He asked skeptically, swimming around me in slow circles. "I find that hard to believe."

"True story. The peck kiss in 4th grade doesn't count." I shook my head.

"Do you want to learn?"

"What?" My eyes widened and my voice pitched.

"I can teach you," he kept smiling, "if that's something you wanted."

"Teach me what?" I knew what he was implying, I just couldn't believe it.

"Teach you how to kiss." His dimples glistened with magic moon dust.

His smile was sexy. Aaron could pull off sexy. And I was left with a massive lump in my throat.

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