one time

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The bowls crash to the floor. Rogues. We are mindlinked from our fathers simultaneously. They have broken through our northern border. Luke grabs me up into his arms and gets me downstairs to the safe room in seconds. As he deposits me safely inside he holds me steady to look at him.

" do not come out no matter what you hear. The women and children will be here soon. Close it immediately after each come in. I will be back, stay safe"

I pull him back and hug him tightly. He kisses my forehead.

" it will be fine princess ill be back"

Hes gone in an instant. Minutes felt like hours as the door finally opened again and it was our mothers rushing in with pack children in tow. The other female wolves scurry in over the next 10 minutes. All women and children are accounted for so i breath a sigh of relief.

I join my mother as we stand hugging eachother knowing that dad and my brother were fighting.  Mom is one of our best female warriors so she stays in here with us incase there is a breach. Lukes mom, our luna, joins us. 

"Luna i know the boys will be ok. They are alphas after all"

I say giving her a tight squeeze. 

She laughs.

Ryker is clinging to my legs while i rub his back.

An hour later the safe room doors open and luke comes running in wrapping me in a bear hug. My arms and legs wrap around him not caring that he is covered in blood and dirt.

He kisses my forehead. 

"Told you id be back"

Our mothers come over and hug us and kiss our cheeks.

" the rogues got through, there were about a dozen. No casualties here. Only one rogue escaped but he was badly injured. We have one in the interrogation room to get some answers. From what i can figure they were after something just dont know what" luke says as he slowly puts me down.

We all share worrisome looks but start ushering everyone back out assuring them that it is safe. 

I run my hand along lukes arm following a gash that is already starting to heal. My other hand reaching up and skimming his busted lip with my thumb. 

He looks at my sad face and lifts up my chin.

" i know its always what people joke about but this time its true , im ok you should see the other guy"

I hug him and laugh. Of all times to be silly.

We head back to his room so he can shower and get clean clothes. The pack workers will be cleaning the mess into tomorrow. I doubt we will leave the house so we dont have to see the carnage. 

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