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When the guards bring down tests for each of the girls i sneak one as they are preoccupied with one girl who is refusing to test. After everyones done and the guards go up the stairs i rush and take the test with candace by my side. Waiting those few minutes were brutal. Candace holds the test to check for me. She looks up with an unreadable expression on her face and pulls me into a big hug. She drops the test in the process and i see it land with a big plus sign staring back at me. Im pregnant again. And im in a dangerous situation again. I will not lose this child. No shifting. No causing trouble or drawing attention to myself. 

I hide the test under my make shift bed. Laying down i hug myself and let out silent tears. I know he cant hear me but i open my mind link. "Luke i have news you need to hear, love your luna."

I drift off to sleep. 

*lukes pov"

Im resting in the office in the pack house. Ive barely slept. Eating just enough to keep me strong so i can fight for riley when i find her. The office door bursts open and one of the trackers stands there catching his breath. I jump to my feet and stand beside him waiting for his update. The tracker straightens and grips my shoulders. "We are close" he says 

"One of the pack members heard her through mind link so we have a better location to focus on"

My eyes go wide " we Need to gather everyone. Plan a more condensed search and make a plan of rescue"

Im coming my luna.

*riley pov*

Its been three days since i took the test. My morning sickness has eased up but only slightly. Candace and i have been looking after eachother and so far the other girls are doing ok. A few are pregnant. Some arent and i dont know whether to call them lucky or not. They are lucky to not be pregnant with these monsters babies but that means they will keep trying with them. 

Josh hasnt come in the past 24 hours to see me thankfully. I dont think i could deal with him and not puke. He still thinks ill give in and magically accept him as my mate. I swear the kid is delusional. 

As candace and i help the girls pass out dinner we hear a commotion from the stairs. Guards come rushing in and stand facing the door they just came from. All the girls are whispering wondering whats going on but noone answers. My wolf is prancing around in my head and i feel a slight pull. I open my mind link.

Lukes voice echoes in my head " princess! Where are you? Are you ok? I am coming for you my luna!"

"Luke! I cant believe it! Ive missed you so much! Im in a old underground cell. There are multiple guards and all the missing women from the surrounding packs!"

"We will get you all out we are surrounding now"

" they know your coming, they sent guards down here.. And luke.. Josh is the leader"

" what?!? But hes no rogue"

" i know he used that to get them supplies etc and lead them"

" he will be dealt with. I will see you soon"

The mind link is closed and i make my way through the girls letting them know everything will be ok. I dont want to tell them we being rescued because if it fails i got their hopes up for nothing and i dont want any info being slipped to the wrong person. 

I find candace and settle with her in a far corner. I let her know whats going on. She has been my bestfriend since i got here. She hugs me.

" thank you Riley. Im sure we will be ok"

Minutes passed by but it felt like hours. We hear a commotion from above our heads and the guards get into a stance while watching the stairs. 

The commotion quiets and you can cut the tension in the air with a knife. 

I open my mind link and i can hear my pack. Most of the rogues are defeated. Some have run off. They are looking for josh. He ran like a coward when the fighting started. Typical. I hear luke giving the orders to come downstairs. I jump into action to help. I grab 2 of the girls who are farther along and ask them to pretend to be in labor to distract the guards. They didnt ask why but did it anyway. 

As the girls start groaning and slightly screaming that they are in labor the guards look over briefly and a few step in our directions. I link luke.

" the guards are distracted come now!!"

No sooner than the words were said a team of our best fighters were barreling from the stairs. Each grabbing ahold of a guard and making quick work of them. Luke had lead the way and tore through those in his path. He paused to scan the cells and i was bouncing up  and down to get his attention. The remaining guards were taken care of by the fighters as luke made his way to me quickly. 

I studied him as he neared me. His eyes were dark from lack of sleep. His hair longer and tousled like his hands ran through it constantly. He had scrapes and gashes along his bare torso and arms. He stood before me in his naked glory. My wolf was torn between pouncing him and from growling at the other girls to stop eye balling my mate. But i know what they have been through and cant blame them for appreciating him. 

I jump into his arms wrapping my arms and legs around him. His lips crash onto mine as he devours me like his last meal. We finally pull away to take a breath and he presses his forehead to mine.

"Ive missed you love. Im so sorry it took so long."

"Its ok i am ok. Honestly its the girls i worry for"

Luke nestles his face into the crook of my neck and inhales deeply taking in my scent. 

"Goddess even through the stench of this rogue hell hole your still intoxicating"

He inhales again as i giggle. He suddenly freezes mid breath. He pulls back and looks into my eyes before dropping on his knees and pressing his ear to my stomach. He knows. I hope he is excited. I know lane took a toll on us and in all of this chaos isnt exactly the best time to have this conversation. 

I run my fingers through his hair while he listens to my stomach. My mind races with what he could possibly be thinking. 

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