future alpha

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“we are here for one of the babies. We found out it will be difficult for us to conceive so we didn’t want to miss out on this opportunity.”

I squeeled and hugged them.

“Im so sorry guys but I am glad you will get your little family. What about school?”

“ we will be testing out early which luke told us yall are too”

That’s true we are. Life has gotten to busy for us to have school especially  after the whole kidnapping ordeal.

Luke walks out with a beautiful baby boy with red hair. He will match penny . I can tell she is already thrilled as she snatches him up cooeing over him.

“thank you guys. I know this isnt the best circumstance but thank you for completing our family”

I hug them again as they leave with their little one.

4 babies left to go.

A mated gay couple adopt one .

A widowed women in her late 20s takes a little girl. She has noone after her mate was lost to a battle.

A little girl is all that’s left and we don’t see any other families. As we start to share a sad look my parents come together through the door.

“Mom dad what are you doing here”

“ well we have been discussing this for awhile now that you are older and mated yourself. We have wanted to have a little one running  around again. When the children arrived we relised it must be a sign from the moongoddess. We would love to give the little beauty a loving home”

My eyes welled up as I hugged them tight.

“I couldn’t think of better parents.”

Luke hands the babygirl to my dad and pats him on the back

“Congrats beta harris. It’s a girl”

My parents eyes shine as they gaze down at their sleeping buddle.

“Have you thought of a name?”

Mom looks up

“ angel”

I beamed at her.

“I love the sound of that. Look dad she has green eyes”

She is looking up at us and dad smiles.

“Finally” he yells out as we giggle.

Both me and remi have brown hair and moms blue eyes angle has brown hair and green eyes like dad.

Luke and I hug them good bye and head home. We have a busy few days coming up to get ready for christmas. We also have to plan the pregnancy surprise.

It’s the day of the christmas gathering .

The packhouse is buzzing with all pack members going in and out all day getting dinner and gifts ready. All the new babies are being passed around to different pack members showering them with love.

Everyone did their family gifts this morning. We saved ours for dinner.

As everyone gathers at the dinner table and begins to eat. Luke and I pass out our families gifts and tell them to open them when we say.

We got the grandparents shirts that say proud grandpa and grandma.

Remi and ryker got shirts that say awesome uncles.

And little angel gets a onesie that says #1 aunt.

As they open the gifts and start to read them my mom makes the connection first running to me engulfing me in a hug.

“oh my goddess baby your having a baby!. Im a grandma!! Oh I am so proud of you”

We are congratulated all day and for the rest of the week even.

After the new year alpha and luna call a meeting with us to discuss the birth of the future alpha, our wedding and our alpha luna ceremony.

We have decided after our son is born

We will be married and announced as the packs alpha and luna on lukes birthday when we are 17.

Rileys pov

I squeeze lukes hand while breathing deeply. Im gonna kill him. This is all his fault. Hes never touching me again. Layla shakes her head at my thoughts.

If you havent guessed it I am giving birth. Our little boy is making his arrival. Hours later little blaze ash gregor is born. Everyone comes to see their future alpha and we hear howls from outside as the pack has been mindlinked of his arrival.  I look down at his beautiful face as luke kisses my forehead and then blazes.

“you did it princess. He is here and he is perfect”

I kiss him and hand blaze to him so I can rest.  We leave the hospital the next day and head home to settle into our new lives as parents. Next month we will have to settle into our new lives as leaders as well.

First week home as new parents was exhausting but our parents helped which was a great relief. Our wolves were overjoyed to see our pup. Layla and kale even took over for a day to give us a break mentally. The pack has been busy getting ready for the ceremony next month. We will be appointed alpha and Luna we will also be getting married at the same time.

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