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Our parents back down as he carries me to the house and to his room. He strips me and sets me in a warm bath to calm my nerves and to clean the fight off of me.  

I stayed for a week. We cried. We let out our anger. We held eachother till our arms were numb. He took me to my dr appointment to confirm i did indeed lose our child. We found out it was a boy. 

We named him lane gregor.

A small stone Was placed in our packs cemetery. 

Everyone placed flowers and gifts around it to show respect. Our friends offered their condolences. They didnt ask questions which im thankful for. After everyone left we sat on his grave and held each other. I cried as luke howled a angry mournful howl. The following day we were going to limit our interaction in person. We were both nervous. Its been years since we spent a great deal away from each other.

The next week passes in a blur. I finally went back to school. There are sad faces and whispers as i walk by. As im closing my locker i start to feel the tears well up.

Before i can let them fall a pair of familiar arms are around me and everyone looks away when the owner of those arms growl.

"Im still here princess , always, i love you"

He kisses my head and lets me go making his way to class. 

I feel calmed down as i follow him in. We still have every class together so at least our time here wont be interfered with here .classes pass in a blur. Lunch was a welcomed retreat. I sit with luke and our friends. Luke immediately pulls me into a bone crushing hug. I hear snickering and look up to see brandys smug face .

" really? Yall gotta act like the world is ending because you cant spend every minute together"

Lukes fist bunch up and i glare at her over his shoulder.

"You dont know what your talking about"

She flips her hair

"Its all over school. Your parents saw you two being to close so they separate you two so you dont embarrass your future mates"

I jumped from the table channeling my wolf and lift her by her throat against the wall. Luke is behind me warning everyone back from me .

I snarled " you will show respect. We lost our child. Your future alpha! Our pain is not for your entertainment"

Her eyes opened wide and she paled. 

"I didnt know, i swear." She stammered.

I let her down while she grabs her throat.

Brandy scampers away. I scan the crowd before leaving with my friends. Only a few humans were present for the altercation and thankfully they don’t have our hearing so they don’t relise what happened.  I lock eyes with josh. He is burning holes through luke with his eyes. We still dont get whats up with him. 

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