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TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions of sexual assault.

*Hotch's POV*

As we finish talking, I look down at my watch, then out to the bullpen below.

"8:27, the team should be arriving soon-" I start before I hear a knock on the door. "Yes?"

The door opens and Rossi pokes his head through. "Morning Hotch. Ah, you must be the new agent. SSA David Rossi." He walks over to Dorosh and extends his hand to them.

"SSA Zero Dorosh, it's an honour to meet you, Sir. Your work is extremely fascinating and very insightful." They greet him and I can see the excitement in their eyes at seeing him. I notice that they're biting the inside of their lip to stop themself from smiling. Reminds me of when Reid met him, This will be interesting.

"Dorosh?" He hums, looking at me. "That name sounds familiar, have we met before?"

"Yes, Sir. We met once before when you gave a guest lecture at the academy a few years back. Although at that time, I still went by my birth name and looked a lot different." They explain.

"Ah, I remember you now! You were quiet and sat in the back of the room with your head down taking notes the whole time. At first, I wasn't even sure that you were listening because you had one of your earphones in. Your questions were what intrigued me though, they were more complex and thought out than any of the other students. I'm glad to see your passion got you this far in such a short amount of time and I look forward to working with you." He smiles at them and shakes their hand again before leaving the room. I look over at them and they slowly turn to me, pure amazement on their face.

"Holy shit," They sit back down, still shocked. "I just got recognised by THE David Rossi. If this is a dream, please god do not wake me up, I am too happy right now." I chuckle quietly behind my hand at their reaction.

"Back to what I was saying before, would you like a cup of coffee or a tea?" I ask as they compose themself again.

"I'll take a tea. Would you mind if I made it though? I like it a specific way." I nod at Agent Dorosh and begin leading them down to the small kitchenette by the bullpen.

They certainly are peculiar, however, after reading over their file and having an actual conversation with them I can tell how much of an asset they will be to this team. Only worked for 2 years with the FBI and already has a very high case closure number. They also manage to dress fashionably and alternatively while still looking office-appropriate. Certainly not what I typically expect when I think of an FBI Agent, though they are far from typical. Peculiar indeed.

"You can have this desk here. Put your stuff down when you're ready." I stand by the empty desk across from Reid's. Agent Dorosh thanks me and puts their duffel down by the chair and follows me to the kitchenette. "Coffee beans and tea bags are in that cabinet and mugs are in here. You can bring your own mug in, just make sure it has your name on it. Same with any food you bring in. If it doesn't have a name on it, people will steal it." I give a small laugh as I point to everything and open cabinets to show them. After that, I begin making a cup of coffee for myself.

"Cheers," Agent Dorosh smiles at me before opening a cabinet and trying to look through the tea. I look over to see them struggling to reach the tea higher up in the cabinet. I bite back a laugh and look down at them as they mutter what I can only guess is a string of swear words.

BloodHound | 18+ Aaron Hotchner x OC | Criminal Minds FanficWhere stories live. Discover now