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*Dorosh's POV*


I awake with a jolt as I'm flung backwards into a hard surface, a wall I'm guessing. I slide down the wall and sit on the cold ground, trying not to move too much.  Everything hurts a lot and I don't know where I am or how long I've been here. The last thing I remember is the beeping sound coming from a heart rate monitor. There's a thick musk of alcohol and blood wafting through the dark space, a light in front of me turns on. It's dim and flickers occasionally. Suddenly I'm hit with the realization of exactly where I am. It's not the same location, but it's the exact same building. They're all the same, and there's only one in America.

"Wakey, wakey! Did you have a nice little nap after our visit earlier?" A familiar voice echoes through the space and I scowl at the sound of it, remaining silent. "Aww, Viktoria. Did you really think that you could outrun me? You ruined my plan! By pulling that little stunt of yours and fleeing to the states, you blew the only shot I had at getting into business with the Lee family." He steps forward into the light and I confirm my suspicions. "You're not going to say hello, Vikky? Not even to your father?" He gives me his signature crooked smile and I stay silent and unmoving. He gives a sharp whistle and two men step forward into the light with him, dragging a limp body with them. One of them lifts the body's head and I instantly recognise the person. Pain strikes my heart as I call out.

"Cassie! Let her go you sicko!" I spring up and throw myself at him. Before I can reach him, two more men grab me from behind and grip me tightly, keeping me in place. "What the fuck did you do to her Illya? She has nothing to do with this," I say through gritted teeth as I struggle against the men. The man holding her head drops it.

"I needed a bit of motivation for you to stay obedient. You know that I don't do empty threats," He smiles again and lifts her chin, examining her features as he turns her head from side to side. He hums and speaks again, "She would make a fine bride, don't you think Vikky. I think I'll keep this one and take her back to Europe, she'll give me great children." He turns to the men holding Cassandra, dropping her head, "Take her upstairs and get one of the women to set her room up. Make sure she stays there when she awakes." The men nod and disappear into the darkness, their footsteps echoing still as they ascend a set of stairs.

"You bastard! You can't make her do that, Illya!" He just laughs at me as I yell.

"I can, and I will," He replies as I'm dragged backwards and forced into the wall again. I thrash around as they shackle my hands to chains connected to the ceiling. I look up and see that it's the old pulley system I was tricked into designing when I was younger.

Great. I designed this system to hold heavy objects and to use specific materials that take a fuck ton of pressure in very specific spots to fracture. Now I know what my design was really being used for.

They release my hands from their own and push me to my knees, my hands raised just above my head as the chains hold them in place, stopping them from going any lower. I don't know how much time passes but I begin to hear Cassie scream. Over and over, moans mixing in. I cringe in disgust at the thought of what Illya's doing to her. "She's still just a kid, she's not even out of University yet..." I whisper to myself, feeling the tears begin to well in my eyes. I can hear her screaming for him to stop, but it's no use.

He has what he wants and he's not going to let it go. I should've never gotten so close to her. She was a liability and I knew that, yet I still couldn't help myself. I saw a younger version of me in her, so bright and bubbly. So full of hope for the future. And I just destroyed any chance of that for her.

BloodHound | 18+ Aaron Hotchner x OC | Criminal Minds FanficHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin