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*Hotch's POV*

*OCTOBER 26, 7:41 am. AKRON P.D., OHIO*

We walk into the station, already bustling with officers. Garcia walks in first, me behind her, and meets with the Chief Detective.

"Detective Crowley?" She asks, a man walking to meet her.

"Ms Garcia," He greets her, extending his hand.


"Thanks for coming."


"And she emailed pictures of you guys," Crowley looks at each of us, shaking our hands as he greets us. "Agent Hotchner, Rossi, Prentiss and Dr Reid, right? It's 'doctor', not 'agent'. She was very specific about that."

"What else was she specific about?" Dave asks him.

"Everything your team needed, as well as Agent Dorosh's use of they/them pronouns," He glances at Garcia and she's smiling slightly. "I sent her a list of family members who'd be willing to talk, and your boards are over there, all ready for you to set them up. I even got the push pins you asked for."

"Excuse me," An older black man walks up to Garcia. "Are you Ms Garcia?"

"Mr Keppler, hi," She greets him, shaking his hand and turning to Crowley. "This is Detective Crowley. He'll show you to the interview room."

"Hello, Sir," Crowley shakes his hand too, "Right this way." He leads Mr Keppler through the station to another room.

"He is such a sweet man," Garcia says, a sad smile on her face.

"You contacted the family members already?" I ask her.

"Yes. Only two responded back immediately," She explains, "That's Robert Keppler's dad, and then Scott Hartway's mom will be here in about an hour. Is that enough time?"

"Yes. Perfect," I reply.

"Okay. I'm gonna set up the boards unless you need something else," She says, pointing behind her.

"I just wanted to thank you for informing them of Zero's pronouns, it can be a draining conversation for them," I thank her. "If you're able to do that for every case you can, that would be much appreciated."

"Of course, Sir," She smiles at me before turning and walking over to the evidence boards, Reid following close behind her.

Rossi turns to me, "And you were worried."


*Dorosh's POV*

"Okay, cheers," I thank the officer I was talking to and finish putting my latex gloves on, Morgan and I walk towards the victims' car. "So he has a gun, he gains the upper hand immediately."

"He keeps it trained on the wife so the husband has no choice but to surrender," Morgan adds. "Where does he confront them from?" He walks to the open driver's side door as I round the front of the car, making my way to the passenger's side.

"Not the parking lot. Too many variables for someone this controlled," I explain.

"He could have been lying in wait in the backseat, though," Morgan suggests, looking into the back of the car, both of us climbing in. "I mean, if they were facing forward, the UnSub's back here down low," He looks from the trunk to the front of the car, making a gun with his fingers, "He pops up with his gun, there's no chance for them to fight back."

BloodHound | 18+ Aaron Hotchner x OC | Criminal Minds FanficWhere stories live. Discover now