25.0 TALK

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*Hotch's POV*

*OCTOBER 13, 9:17 pm*

I make my way into the garage at the FBI headquarters after just landing from Las Vegas and head straight for my SUV. Chucking my go-bag in the back, I put the keys in the ignition and speed out of the space and over to Zero's house. I make it there in just under 20 minutes, using the key that Zero gave me a few weeks ago to enter the house. Immediately greeted by Bowser, patiently waiting by the door for me. I pat his head and make my way up the stairs, him following me into the bedroom. I can hear Zero's music playing as I put my bag down on the bed and head back downstairs. I search the house but can't find them.

"Bowser, find Zero," I instruct him and he books it for the dog door leading out into the backyard. I go through the glass doors in the living room, following him out. The music instantly gets louder as I step outside and I remember Zero's workshop. Bowser goes through the building's dog door and Zero looks down at him as he nudges their legs, giving him a few scratches behind his ears. They yawn behind their hand and take a sip of their energy drink, stretching their back a little. I come up behind them and wrap my arms around their waist, leaning down close to their ear so they can hear me. "Maybe you should go to sleep instead of drinking all those, hun."

"Aaron!" Zero whips around in their chair, hugging me tightly. I lift them off the chair and they wrap their legs around my waist.

"Hi," I say quietly as I passionately kiss them, their hands reaching into my hair. We separated after a few moments.

"Hey," Zero's voice is a tad raspy. "How did it go?"

"It went well, we caught him before he could hurt anyone else," I smile at them and just now notice their har. "I like the new hair, it looks really nice on you." I bring a hand up to ruffle it and Zero giggles.

"I'm glad you like it, I wasn't sure if you would. I needed a change and thought that this would be fitting."

"That's good. As long as your happy, I'm happy," I say, giving them another quick kiss and putting them down. "What have you been working on while I was gone?"

"It's a secret," They give me a mischievous smile and boop my nose.

"Okay, Einstein, let's get you to bed. If you have any more of those energy drinks you're gonna be bouncing off the walls," I say, grabbing their hands and pulling them up.

"Fine," Zero mocks, huffing as they stand. "Let me just clean up and I'll be right in, okay?"

"Alright, I'll go jump in the shower, feel free to join me when you get up there," Now I'm the one with the mischievous grin.

"Hold your horses there Lover Boy. I'll join you for the shower, but I'll think about the next part. I may just fall asleep as soon as I hit the bed, to be honest," Zero says and I run my thumbs gently over the bags under their eyes, cupping their cheeks with each hand.

"Did you pull an all-nighter?" I ask and Zero looks down.

"Yeah, it was an accident..."

"Hey, hey. I'm not mad, okay. Let's get you up to bed so you can sleep," I lean down so that I can see their face and kiss their nose. "Come on, hun." I help Zero clean up the workshop and we head upstairs to shower. We help each other wash and get out not long after, aching to sleep. We dry off and get into our pyjamas, settling down in bed and putting on a show to fall asleep to. "Come here, Metallica," I open my arms and Zero crawls over to me, wrapping their arms around me and yawning into my chest.

"Goodnight, Aaron," They snuggle into me and I wrap my arms tightly around them, kissing the top of their head.

"Goodnight, Zero," I reply softly and we both drift off to sleep.

BloodHound | 18+ Aaron Hotchner x OC | Criminal Minds FanficWhere stories live. Discover now