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*Dorosh's POV*

*OCTOBER 11, 12:09 pm*

Aaron is pushing my wheelchair through the aisles of the shop as I look for hair dye and bleach. We make it to the hair section and we stop in front of all the bright colours. I look over my shoulder at Aaron, "What colour should I get?" He hums, thinking.

"The teal looks nice," Aaron answers after a few seconds.

"Teal it is!" I smile, turning back around and grabbing it from the shelf. I ask him to push me down the aisle further and I grab some bleaching supplies, adding them to the basket in my lap. We check out and head to a game store we passed on the way in. "Now, we need to find something that Ried would enjoy, even though he could solve everything in this store with his eyes closed," We chuckle and make our way through the store. I stop us in front of a display of puzzles and mind games, humming as I try to decide what to get Reid.

"What about his own poker set? He does love poker," Aaron suggests. I look up at him and smile, reaching up to boop his nose.

"Babe, you're a genius," He chuckles and grabs my hand, placing a kiss on the back of it softly. My face flushes and I look down, holding back a giggle.

Isus ( Jesus ), why is he so god damn cute all the time!

Aaron releases my hand and pushes me along to the poker section and we pick one out, checking out soon after. We're just meandering through the mall, pointing out and looking at stuff to pass the time. "What do you want for dinner?" I ask, looking up at Aaron.

"Oooh, what about that Chicken Pasta Bake dish you made a while back. That was delicious!" A smile creeps onto his face and we make our way to the supermarket.

"Good idea," I reply as we enter the store. "Bub, can you please hand me that penne pasta there?" I ask, pointing a few shelves above me.

"Bub?" Aaron asks, grabbing two bags of the pasta and placing them in the basket I'm holding. I feel my face heat up and hide it in my hands.

"Yeah... I thought it was cute but I can stop calling-" I begin to ramble but he cuts me off, lifting my chin to look up at him and kissing me gently.

"It is cute," He smiles down at me, "Very cute actually. I like it." I give him a small smile and we continue going down each aisle, looking for things we need. We come up next to the medicine and I stop us.

"I need more painkillers, I'm nearly out of them," I say, reaching for them and grabbing a few packs. I place them into the basket and we finish up, making our way back out to the SUV.


*Hotch's POV*

*2:15 pm*

I'm carrying Zero upstairs when my phone starts to buzz in my back pocket. "Shit, that's probably Garcia," I sigh, setting them down on the bed and taking my phone out. I sit down next to them on the bed.

"It's okay, Aaron, I can manage by myself. I have Bowser trained to get things for me anyway," Zero replies, grabbing my hand and rubbing the back of it. I smile down at them as I pick up the phone, sitting down next to them on the bed.

"Hotchner," I say in my usual serious tone.

"Sorry to put a dampener on your day with Zero, but we have a case," Garcia's voice rings out through the phone.


"Las Vegas, Sir,"

"I'll be there within the hour," I inform her and hang up the phone, turning to Zero and resting my head on their shoulder.

BloodHound | 18+ Aaron Hotchner x OC | Criminal Minds FanficWhere stories live. Discover now