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TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions of sexual assault and miscarriages.

*Dorosh's POV*

It was now late and we were all, except for Hotch, gathered in the local PD's bullpen. JJ and Rossi had discovered that they could potentially find the children through placental tissue left inside the mothers' and run the DNA through the state's records. They were able to find part of the baby's umbilical cord left on one of the victims after they exhumed the four-year-old body. They have called Garcia for help.

"Okay, know this." Garcia starts talking over the phone, "Most adoption folks are, like, the nicest, most dedicated people in the world. There are, however, one or two skeezy ones."

"How skeezy we talkin'?" I ask her, leaning forward in my seat at the table and resting my chin on my hand, my interest piqued, using my free hand to pick my nearly empty energy drink up and sip it.

"Super skeezy," She responds, "I've got a spreadsheet from one of them expecting compensation for the baby I'm having."

"Something you want to tell me, Garcia?" Morgan questions her.

"Oh, that's the sad part, my prince." She sighs, a smile playing at her lips. "The genetically perfect offspring of Penelope Garcia and Derek Morgan- wouldn't fetch top dollar."

I chuckle quietly at the comment and lean back in my chair, downing the last of the energy drink in my hand as I do.

"Who does?" I hear JJ ask Garcia. I hear someone approaching the table and recognize their footsteps to be Hotch's. I turn and whisper 'Sir' to him and nod my head. He nods back and looks over at the evidence boards, then at the phone in the middle of the table that Garcia is calling from. 

He seems tenser than before, I wonder what's wrong?

"White babies are in higher demand than minorities. Boys are more popular than girls, at least this year anyway. And then there's the Swedish Supermodel Rule." Garcia rattles off information at us.

I hold my hand up as if to stop her, even though she can't see me, and cut her off, "Hol' up, the what now?"

"If I were to deliver a blonde-haired, blue-eyed bundle of joy, I'd be set for life. I would." She explains. 

Hotch takes this opportunity to cut in, "Garcia, did the baby's DNA turn up in New Mexico's adoption records?"

"No, there are no hits on her profile," Garcia informs him. "And it is a her, by the way."

"This UnSub could still be selling babies, just not through the system," Rossi suggests.

"It's gonna make him a lot harder to catch." Reid chimes in.

Hotch looks down at his watch as he begins speaking and we all look at him, "Alright, it's late. Let's get some rest and we'll hit this fresh in the morning."

"Garcia out." She hangs up and we all start to gather our things ready to leave.


*Hotch's POV*

As everyone is getting their things together, I turn to Morgan. "Morgan. I'd like for you to write up a preliminary profile."

"We don't have enough for that." He says with a look of confusion on his face as he looks at me.

BloodHound | 18+ Aaron Hotchner x OC | Criminal Minds FanficWhere stories live. Discover now