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*Hotch's POV*

Garcia rushes over to where Zero and I are talking with Crowley.

"I got it!" She calls out as she stops next to us, slightly out of breath.

"Got what?" I ask, turning to her.

"The UnSub," She replies, "His name is James Thomas. He did work at all of the gyms the husbands went to. Is that not enough information? Oh, I have so much more. Last year, he suffered from a condition called prostatic hyperdysplasia. Routine surgery took a wrong turn, snip, snip, they had to remove the whole prostate tamale. Boss says he didn't show up for work today, but this," She hands me a small piece of paper, finishing up her rambling, "Is his home address."

"Garcia, you should have let me know before you contacted his employer," I look down at the writing. "Otherwise, well done." I turn to Crowley, handing him the paper. "We need a SWAT team at this address."

"I'm on it," He replies as Zero follows me out.


*Dorosh's POV*

SWAT officers pile up at the door, Morgan and Aaron on either side of me as we join them. Morgan stands in front of the door, me behind him.

"FBI! We're coming in!" He yells through the door and kicks it in, all of us filing into the apartment. SWAT clears the rest of the house while Aaron and I spot a woman in the kitchen. We raise our guns at the her, the team joining us.

"Show me your hands," Aaron instructs, "Who are you?"

"Maryann Thomas," The woman says, hands raised and her voice shaky as she looks over her shoulder at us.

"James Thomas' wife?" I ask.

"Where's your husband?" Reid asks her.

"I don't know!" She raises her voice slightly, "He left for work this morning."

Morgan comes into the room from another, "There's a gun locker in the closet. It's empty."

"Get up, you're gonna help us find him," Aaron demands. She complies and slowly turns around, clearly nervous.

"Just please, tell me what this is about," She says and I inhale sharply as we see that she's pregnant. We all lower our guns.


We're standing in the hallway outside the apartment as Morgan and Rossi interview Maryann. Aaron walks over to our small group from his place at the door.

"She's not gonna give him up," He sighs as he stands next to me and I move my hand to rub over his back just like he does to me. I feel him relax a little and my lips twitch upwards.

"She's the wife of an alpha male. She depends on him psychologically," Reid explains.

"Is there any chance that the UnSub is the father?" I ask, looking to Reid.

"Garcia said the prostate surgery was over a year ago, and there's no record of insemination," He replies.

"So how do we get her to admit it?" Aaron asks, looking down at me and sending me a small smile at my action.

"We need to ground her back to reality, give her something to hold on to for truth," Reid says before turning to Crowley, "Did you get those files we asked for, the unsolved murders?"

He nods, "Yeah. I can have them here in five minutes."

"Great, thanks. If the UnSub did kill someone in those files, it's most likely the father of her child," Reid turns back to us. "If it's an old swinging partner, he'd be easy to track down."

BloodHound | 18+ Aaron Hotchner x OC | Criminal Minds FanficWhere stories live. Discover now