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*Dorosh's POV*

*OCTOBER 24, 2:36 pm. BAU*

I'm packing away some files when there's a knock on my office door. I turn to see who it is, smiling when I see them.

"Hey, bud. What's up? I thought you were napping," I ask as Artem stands in the doorway, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"It's for you," He says sleepily, holding up his phone. I walk over and take it from him, holding the phone up to my ear.

"Pryvit, Dorosh. ( Hello, Dorosh. )" Bodashka Koval's voice comes through the phone.


"Artem v bezpetsi? ( Is Artem safe? )"

"Tak, vin ye. Ty de? ( Yes, he is. Where are you? )" I ask, closing the door as Artem walks back to Garcia's lair to sleep.

"YA ne povernusya, Dorosh. Vybachte. ( I'm not coming back, Dorosh. I'm sorry. )"

"Shcho znachyt' ty ne poverneshsya? Navit' dlya Artema? Dlya tvoho syna? ( What do you mean you're not coming back? Not even for Artem? For your son? )" I raise my voice, drawing the attention of the team down in the bullpen through the door.

"Vin teper tviy. ( He's yours now. )"

"Shcho? YA na tse ne pohodyvsya, Bodashko! Vy ne mozhete prosto pity i ochikuvaty, shcho ya budu dobre vykhovuvaty vashu dytynu dlya vas. ( What? I didn't agree to this, Bodashka! You can't just leave and expect me to be fine with raising your kid for you. )" I yell through the phone.

"YA bil'she ne mozhu yoho vykhovaty. Vin teper tvyi, Dorosh. ( I can't raise him anymore. He's yours now, Dorosh. )" I'm starting to get angry now.

"You are supposed to be a father Bodashka! As a father, it is your duty to protect your children. Leaving them to someone they barely know is not how you do that!" I slam my free hand down on my desk and bring the phone close to my face. "So you get your sorry ass over here before I hunt you down myself. You know I will because I've done it before. Do not test me, Bodashka."

"I wish you the best of luck, Zero," He hangs up and I sigh. Grabbing my duffle, I walk down to Garcia's lair and place the phone next to a sleeping Artem before making my way to the elevator.

"You alright, hun?" Aaron asks as I pass him going onto the elevator, I don't answer. He looks slightly startled by my current state as the doors close. The doors open again and I walk out into the gym, beelining to the changerooms, changing into my workout gear.

I connect my phone to the speakers and blast my go-to angry workout band. The Russian heavy metal fills the space and I set up the tire flip, strapping more wights to the inside and outer edges of the tire.

I'm going to need a lot of this shit if I'm going to not go murder him.

I attach a light-ish weight belt to my hips to make it harder. Taking a deep breath, I pick one side of the tire up and flip it. It's heavy enough for me to get a good workout in but light enough that I don't strain myself too much. I flip the tire back and forth the length of the room 4 times and move on to the next thing.


*Hotch's POV*

*4:21 pm*

I walk through the elevator doors and my ears are immediately filled with Zero's Russian heavy metal.

That's not good! They only play this when they want to go murder someone.

I look over to where they are and see that they're doing weighted squats with the big bar, their back turned to me.

BloodHound | 18+ Aaron Hotchner x OC | Criminal Minds FanficWhere stories live. Discover now