23.0 SCARS

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*Hotch's POV*

*OCTOBER 10, 9:26 pm*

I wake up to the feeling of warmth leaving my chest, blinking a little, waiting for my eyes to adjust. I sit up in the bed and look to my right, seeing Zero still asleep but they've moved from their place on my chest. I smile down at them as they sleep peacefully and get out of bed. I walk as quietly as I can to collect my clothes from the bathroom floor and over to Zero's closet. I pick out a big hoodie and walk over to their small figure, sitting them up and slipping the fabric over them carefully as to not wake them. I grab a pair of their boxers and slide them up onto their legs after cleaning up from earlier and lay them back down. I silently make my way down the stairs and into the kitchen. I grab the wheelchair that we abandoned earlier this afternoon and take it back up the stairs, setting it down by the bed for Zero later.

I send Garcia a quick message asking her to bring Bowser over tomorrow morning. She has been taking care of him while Zero's been gone and in the hospital. She agrees and I get to work, looking through the pantry for any snacks or chocolate that they have. Collecting everything, I set it up on the coffee table, putting out blankets and pillows. I go around the house and close all of the curtains as it's now dark out, turning on a few lights. I hear movement upstairs and make my way up to Zero's room. I walk in as they're trying to get into the wheelchair and smile at them.

"Hey, sleepyhead. How'd you sleep?" I ask, lifting them into the chair. Zero yawns behind their hand and rubs their eyes.

"Mmmm, good," They say softly, groaning a little as they stretch their back. "Kinda sore from earlier though," We both chuckle.

"Sorry about that," I chuckle and rub the back of my neck, squatting down in front of them and pressing a quick kiss to their lips.

"Don't be, it was amazing," Zero smiles at me and I begin to push the wheelchair down the hallway. When we get to the stairs, I pick them up and carry them down to the couch.

"I'll just go grab the chair," I let go of them and try to move back but they don't budge, still hanging onto me. "When I get back, you can have all the cuddles you want, alright?" They huff and let me go, pouting. I quickly bring the chair down, sitting on the couch next to them. "Do you want to pick a movie?"

"I don't know, what stuff do you like?"

"I don't really watch a lot of stuff so I'm up for anything," I shrug and they reach for the tv remote, and I grab a beer for each of us from the coffee table. We find something to watch and cuddle for a few hours. I get an idea and stand up from the couch.

"Where are you going?" Zero asks, their eyes following me as they turn around on the couch.

"I have an idea," I shrug, smiling at them as I grab my phone and hook it up to the speaker system. I walk back over to them and put my hand out, bowing. "May I have this dance?" Zero giggles and nods.

"Yes, but how are we going to dance when I can barely stand up?"

"Like this," I say, lifting them up by their waist, placing their feet on mine so they don't even feel like they're standing. Zero wraps one of their arms around my shoulders, not being able to reach my neck. I lift them up more, kissing their lips softly and resting our foreheads together. We sway to the music silently, just enjoying each others company.

Fuck it.

"I've wanted to ask you something for a while, and I feel like now is the right time. You're completely within your right to say no to me," I blurt out, looking down at them.

"Yeah, Princess?" We smile at the nickname.

"Would you do me the honour of being my partner?" I ask Zero shyly. They don't reply, just staring at me, mouth agape and eyes wide. "We can take things as slowly as you want to." Zero still doesn't reply, they just grab my neck and pull themself up, kissing me passionately.

BloodHound | 18+ Aaron Hotchner x OC | Criminal Minds FanficWhere stories live. Discover now