Yandere Prisoner Sans x Police Sans

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Request by FrozenMakerSans1

Officer Edgy-"Welcome to your first day on your job. From now on, you are a Police Officer of our city"

Police -"Thank you sir, I'm really excited about starting my first day here."

Officer Edgy-"I like your attitude, you will start with your first day in section 1500. You are going to check on the prisoners and make sure with the others that none of the prisoners have escaped."

Police-" I will do my best sir!" Police were about to leave the cabinet when Edgy stopped him half way to the exit.

Officer Edgy-"Before you go, I must warn you that there's one specific prisoner that you should avoid. He was responsible for a massive genocide and death of innocent people. Not to mention that he manipulated others in proper ways, be careful around him and don't trust a word he says. His cell room is numbered 96"

Police- *nervously*" Thank you sir, I will remember that" When Police exited the cabinet, he felt like a cold sweat was going through his scull, but he decided not to focus on it and finally to start with his job.

At section 1500, Police had entered the territory and had been greeted by his new partner on the job. 'Partner'-"Hey there, I been waiting for you for some while" Police-"Sorry about it, just had some stuff to figure out and get used to this place" 'Partner'-"It's usual for new members in here, but don't worry, I will show you everything in here and explain how it's all working"

Later, after showing most of the sections.

'Partner'-"And the last thing before we finish with this excursion, a cell room numbered 96" Police- " D-did you say?" 'Partner'- "Don't worry, while he's in the cell there's no need to worry about him...he will not bite. You don't worry" Police-"Okay...fine"

As my partner and police got closer to cell room 96, Police was shocked to see who was sitting behind the door. He had a feeling that he had seen him from somewhere before but couldn't figure out from where.

'Parther' - "And he's the most dangerous criminal of them all."

Prisoner - "Aww thank you for the compliments, I never thought that God's best joke was doing something actually good" 'Partner'- "Shut it you" Prisoner-"I know I know...the truth hurts" * makes a smirk* Partner in return just got annoyed. Prisoner *noticed Police and stared at him for a while*-" Hey, what's up pet?"

Police-"What did you just call me?! " Prisoner-" Aww a little puppy is grumpy, that's really adorable, from you

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Police-"What did you just call me?! " Prisoner-" Aww a little puppy is grumpy, that's really adorable, from you. Pet"
Police-"Don't forget where you-"

The prisoner's expression had changed and his aura had scared Police a little bit, but Police didn't move back.

Prisoner-" Heh, I like you, pet. You are just really adorable like this"
Police-" Y-you better watch your-" 'Partner'- "That's enough for today, we should go now"
Prisoner-"Leaving so soon? ? And I thought we were going to spend much more time together"

Police walked out of the protected cell room and made just a little glance as he looked back.

As the Partner and Police had exited, Prisoner had recognized his lover the ran away from him many years ago and who seems to forget some memories of them being a 'happy' couple. The prisoner seemed to himself -"It seemed like you had come to me yourself, but now that you have done. I will make sure that it's going to stay like this forever. Now I don't have a reason to stay in this cell room."

For the next weeks, nothing unusual was going on. The police and partner even got a bit closer as they were working together. Meanwhile, Prisoner, while being guarded, pretended like he was dying and one of the dence Guard rashes inside and opens the door. As he opened the door,Prisoner immediately got up and strangled Guard until he fell unconscious. When Prisoner finished with Guard, Prisoner swapped clothes with him and left Guard inside the cell room.

As he was pretending to be a guard, he figured out that Police and Partner had become closer. He doesn't like that, he really doesn't like that, he hates it. The prisoner knew that he didn't have much time and decided to go into action. As he put the mask on himself and changed his voice, he asked 'Parther' if he could help him with some "paperwork'. 'Parther' didn't get suspicious and followed him.

As they got into a more private area, Prisoner stabbed him in the back and placed his body into a garbage disposal so no one would ever find him. The prisoner then used 'Parther's' phone and texted Police that he would not be able to meet with him again today. Police replied that it was okay and hoped to see him again.

It's 9:30 pm. The Police's shift is over for today and he's going home. As he changed into normal clothes and drove away, he didn't notice that there was one specific car that was following him. After like 30 minutes, Police was finally home. Police were planning to have a nice movie night before bed but he went to the kitchen to grab himself some popcorn. He heard some weird noises coming from the living room and went to check it out. As he looked around, he didn't see anything but all of the sudden he felt like someone from behind had caught him in a bear hug. The policeman wanted to scream but his mouth was covered by his hand. Then Police was forcefully turned towards his unwanted guest. Police was surprised and terrified to see that it was Prisoner. Prisoner-"Did you miss me pet? I surely missed you!" Police only muffled something as his mouth was covered. Prisoner had pinned Police to the wall while holding Police's hands together and slowly kissing his neck. Police in the first seconds got confused, but now he remembers his past when he was dating him and was forced to do some things. With his best efforts, he tries to get out of that situation, but sadly, he didn't have enough strength to push Prisoner away from him.
Prisoner - "Hey little pet ~ Don't try to push me away right now. It's going to be really fast" .
Prisoner had taken out of his packet a rag that contained chloroform and held it to Police's face.

When Police woke up, he realized that he was chained to the bed and next to him was his ex-boyfriend who was waiting for his lover to wake up. Prisoner-"I am so glad you woke up pet~, waiting and searching for you was like an eternity. But now that you are here, I will make sure that you are going to stay with me FOVERER AND EVER!"
Police only got terrified.
Police-"N-no! It can't be! NOT AGAIN!" Prisoner-"Oh, before I forget. Don't count on anyone with whom you used to work with, especially on that mistake who got erased by me."
Police started to cry as he realized that his partner was now dead. Prisoner wiped the tears away and kissed Police's forehead.

Prisoner finally found what he had been looking for many years and if someone tried to take away his pet, they would be dead.

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