Yandere Shattered X Cross

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Request by TheSparkleUnicorn1

Cross was enjoying the sunshine and soft flowers. Everything seems to be fine, suddenly the surrounding starts to change. Beneath the earth is rising a cage that captures Cross inside. The cage takes Cross to unrecognizable place, he tries to get himself free but no results. Suddenly he appears the scary structure. Everything is shaking, now Cross is running through a dark corridor, the walls are cracking and turning into pieces! Something is after him and he can feel it. What seems to be like nice sunshine had turned into a terrifying nightmare. Cross is trying to find the way out, but the dark substance is surrounding him around and it's all fades to black.

Cross wakes up in the cold sweat. He had the same nightmare again.

Cross : "Not again....Ughh... "

The next day

Epic : "Bruh?....."
Cross: *half awake half asleep*
Epic : "BRUH!!!"
Cross : "?!? O yea Dude what's up?"
Epic : "Bruh are you alright? Lately you got backs under your eyes"
Cross: "Oh that..... I just lately keep getting the same nightmare...I don't know why...."
Epic : "Bruh..... That's not good, maybe I can help you"
Cross: "Really dude? How are you going to help me?"
Epic : "I think you just need a bit of support, a person next to you and..."
Cross: "...... And what?"
Epic : "This!" *holds a Dream catcher *
Cross : ".... Dude you are serious?..."
Epic : "Bruh I just want to help, just give it a try"
Cross : *yawns* "Fine fine okay"
Epic: "Alright Bruh! Just wait and see! And those nightmares will dissappear for good!"
Cross : "I hope what you are saying is true"

As the day was going by, Cross was trying to keep himself awake while his best friend Epic was with him the entire day to chear him up and show the best anime shops that are around.
Cross tried his best not to fall asleep because he knows what is going to happen to him, but there was a weird feeling that Cross couldn't shake off.

There's always someone watching him. And that someone is not kind of friendly, at least no longer.

10:30pm, at Epic's place

Epic: "Okay Bruh ur bed and dream catcher is ready!"
Cross: "*yawns Thanks Dude.. What would I do without you... *falls on the bed* zzzz"
Epic:".... Oh Bruh..... I hope you will get some good sleep tonight. I didn't even had a chance to tell you that I l-"

As Epic was talking to sleeping Cross, he heard some weird noises coming from the outside of his window.

Epic: "What was that noise?"

Epic is going outside to cheek what is the source of those weird noises and leaves his best friend alone in the room.

Cross again on the soft flowers with a warm sunshine shining on him. As Cross is getting up, he sees in the far a person being captured by some weird ropes and strings. He runs to help that mysterious person.

Cross : "Don't worry there! I will help you!"

???:"P-please help"
As Cross takes a look at the innocent looking person, he kind of gets a feeling that he saw that person somewhere else before. He remembered a feeling when he was in love with a golden angel once but wasn't able to find that angel again. Somehow as he looked at that person, he remembered that feeling again. He felt how his cheeks were blushing a bit. Before anything else, he remembered that this person seems to be scared and unavailable to get free by itself. Without a hesitation he cuts the ropes, but right after getting rid of the last rope he regrets his actions that he made.

??? : "Thank you...*with shaky voice *"
The innocent looking person smiles at him and immediately gets covered by a weird black stuff.

??? : "Thank you for letting me free Cross! Now I know that it's meant to be ~"

Cross : "?! W-what is meant to be?!"
??? : "You will find out soon my love, come here"

That Dark yellow monster is capturing a grabs Cross into his clutches.

Cross once again wakes up in cold sweat.

Cross : "Ugh... It didn't work.... But.... What was that creature?.... What did it mean" it's meant to be"?.... And that person, why they so familiar?..... I will f- OMG!!! "

Cross turned around and saw that his Dream catcher was torn and been covered in some weird dark yellow gue.

Cross :" Emm... Dude! Come see this!...... Dude?... "

Cross called for his friend but heard no response. After few calls he gets out of the bed and goes to investigate where did his best friend could go.

After some while Cross was surprised to find out that his friend was no where to be found, that confused him a lot but also scared him because he knows his best friend really well and he knows that he would never leave his own place without a little plushie waifu that he keeps in his jacket. But all the plushies are laying in the living room so it can't be real. Not to mention that the dream catcher is destroyed and covered in something weird.

As Cross was lost in his thoughts, he heard something. He got a little jump but immediately tried to keep it quiet, Cross carefully started to exit the place and find out what is causing those weird noises. Cross started to walk around the house when half way he stepped on something squishy .

Cross looked down, he froze in fear as he saw a puddle of blood and dust. Next to it was laying a dirty purple jacket.

Cross : "O no..... Epic no....*sobbing * Who w-would do this?......"

???: "It would be me, love ~"
Cross : "?! You're real?!"
??? : "As you can see, and I took care of this weirdo so you don't have to worry. Now it's just you and me. My love ~"

??? : "... Hehehe.... HAHAHAHA, You are hilarious Cross. Can't you see that the promise that you did long time ago is coming in action. You will never get rid of me, and now you are only mine and not even your friends or dreams will save you" *Grabs Cross into his tentacle*
Cross : "L-let GO Of me You Monster!"
Shattered : "Actually my name is Shattered, and you better remember my name because I would not want to repeat myself~"
Cross : "I Don't Care what -"

Cross wasn't able to finish a sentence because Shattered started to make a french kiss with him. Cross was trying to stop this but suddenly he couldn't help but to melt into the kiss, some weird forces just made him helpess and feel like he was hypnotized. Everything around Cross started to get blury and he wasn't in control.

Now Shattered is holding is holding in his hands a tamed Cross who didn't resist him.
Shattered : "There we go~ Now we can go to our place so we can catch up on things we lost. It's been long time since we been together~"

Shattered opened a portal and carried his beloved Cross into his domain where no one would be able to find them.


(Author : Wow it's been a while and I missed creating stories. Hopefully I will be able to calmly continue it)

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