Yandere Dust x Killer

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Request by Gz1091

I can't explain it but... Since the day he joined our team I couldn't help but feel something within me, and everytime I see him I feel like my feelings are only getting stronger and stronger. I didn't feel like this since the day I went insane and had to kill everyone I care about in my AU. This is so weird but... I want more of it.... I want you, Killer.

At the dinner table.
Horror was eating his meal like an animal. Error as usual grabs his food and went to his room to eat alone. Cross was only drinking chocolate milk. Killer was trying to enjoy his meal but Dust while eating is staring at him and it made Killer feel a bit uncomfortable.

Killer : Do you want something Dust? Dust : (I want you! I want you to be mine and I want your love!) Em no, why do you ask? Killer :Can you stop staring at me

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Killer : Do you want something Dust?
Dust : (I want you! I want you to be mine and I want your love!) Em no, why do you ask?
Killer :Can you stop staring at me... I know we are weirdos and murderers but I want to eat my meal while not being stared!
Dust: (I can't help myself but to stare at you, you are like a magnet) Sorry... I just wanted to say that you have a crumbs of stake on your face.
Killer : Really? Where?
Horror : O right here, can I take it?
Killer :... Whatever...
Horror : *grabs a crumbs and eats it*
Dust : (HOW DARE YOU TOUCH HIM! YOU FAT PIG!?!) Do you always have to eat everything Horror?
Horror: Sorry, I just get so hungry

Cross : (What am I even doing here...?)

Suddenly there are announcement through the Nightmare's castle by Nightmare himself.

Nightmare :Everyone! Finish up with your food and get ready, in 10 minutes you need to go on the mission! Killer, Cross and Error to Storyswap. And you Dust and Horror are going to Swapfell. Don't be lazybones and don't force me to kick you on the mission myself!

Killer : O great.... Okay fine let's go.
Cross :.. I'm going to get Error, I bet he's didn't hear the announcement because of his show...
Horror: So Dust.. Are you ready?
Dust: (I wanted to be with Killer! Damn it.... But since I go with Horror, I have a good idea of how to loose some weight)

During the mission in Swapfell
Horror : Hey Dust!
Dust: What?
Horror : I know that we just got here and we had lunch like an hour ago but....
Dust: But what?
Horror : I'm hungry and I know you have some food with you, I can smell it!
Dust: (I knew it) Hey! I was saving it for later when I get hungry!
Horror: Come on Dust! If you give just a bit of your food, I will....... I will not bother you for 2 weeks!
Dust: (Trust me, you will never bother me again or my Killer ever again)..... Okay fine, take it
Horror : Really! Thank you, I didn't expected that you would give me some.

Horror bit into the sandwich that Dust just gave him, it was really tasty and smelled like cinnamon. Horror enjoyed each bite but he thought it was strange that his friend Dust gave him that because he knows how Dust hates when he takes his food.

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