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Matthias Mikaelson looked at Damon and Stefan Salvatore, a bored expression on his face as he did so.

He had allowed them to talk him into helping them make Elena turn on her emotions. They were struggling to do so and sought out Matthias for help when they heard that he was skipping town behind his brother.

"Why did I agree to this again?" Matthias asked them with a sigh.

"Because you love her." Stefan told him.

Matthias laughed, he genuinely laughed which confused the two brothers. He gave them an apologetic smile before clearing his throat. "I don't believe that what I felt for Elena was love." He told them honestly. "Because she didn't love me, there is no way that she ever loved me if she was able to do what she did to me."

"He's right." The sound of Elena's raspy voice had Matthias' heart sinking.

A part of him wanted to help them, help them bring back the Elena that they all knew and loved, but Matthias didn't believe that she was there. That Elena died on the bridge and what came back to them was another version that they weren't ready to face.

"I mean, how could I love him when Stefan was still trying to get with me, and his hot older brother wanted to get into my pants?" Elena questioned and Matthias ignored the feeling in his chest. "How could I love someone who's brother ruined my life? Is the reason Jenna is dead?" She shot them a look, "Was this your plan? Bringing Matthias here and thinking he could make me turn it back on?" She let out a laugh and shook her head. "I never loved him."

"Oh, trust me, I know." Matthias spoke up, "If you loved me then you wouldn't have cheated on me with Damon, you wouldn't have killed my brothers, all while trying to kill Klaus knowing that it'll kill me." He snapped at her. "Trust me, I know you never loved me, but I find it hard to believe that you actually thought that I loved you."

Elena's eyes widened at this and for a moment, something stirred inside of her. Matthias knew that the best way to get someone to turn it on was to get them angry, and Matthias knew how to do that. He's always been good at pissing people off with his words and he believed that Elena would be no different.

"You're the Petrova doppelganger and it was nothing more than a game to me." He told her coldly. "Did you really think that you meant anything to me?" He laughed, shocking even Damon and Stefan.

"So, you knew then that I never saw a future in us?" Elena shot back. "That it was always going to be him." Elena didn't specify who she was talking about but neither brother commented on that.

Matthias laughed, genuinely laughed again. "Need I remind you Elena that they're the reason that everyone you love is dead or died." Matthias snapped, "Because Stefan stayed in town, thus leading his brother here, which then made Katherine come back and because of Stefan and Damon, me and Klaus came." He reminded her and Elena's jaw clenched. "So, yes, go ahead and love the people who are the cause of your demise. While I," He glared at her while turning to leave. "Leave this town behind because after all, you were never really worth it." He paused and decided to be the ultimate dick. "Oh, and I'm glad our baby died because you would have made a terrible mother."

Stefan and Damon were shocked to hear that Elena had been pregnant, but decided to question it later since Elena had tears running down her face.

Maybe it was his declaration of Elena meaning nothing to him, his confession of it being nothing more than a game, or that he never truly loved her... no, she knew it was because he had brought up their unborn child, something she hadn't grieved about yet.

The thoughts of being a parent beside Matthias made her heart ache because she knew that she would never have that chance again. She was a vampire, and that option was gone forever. She had lost something before she ever got to really enjoy it, it was such a crushing feeling and she wanted it to stop.

When Stefan spotted the tears falling down her face, followed by the realization of what she's done, he rushed inside to console her along with Damon. Matthias looked at them before scoffing and exiting the basement.

"Wait, Matthias!"

Matthias barely made it to the top of the steps before Elena was running after him. He didn't look back as he kept walking away from her, he didn't want to waste another minute in town.

"Matthias, please!" She pleaded while grabbing his arm.

"No!" Matthias shouted while shoving her hand away from him as if she had burned him. "What did you think was going to happen Elena? That I was going to stay here and be with you after getting your humanity back? Fight for your heart against Stefan and Damon fucking Salvatore? No, that's bullshit, and I deserve better than that!"

Damon and Stefan stayed back, they knew that this was between Matthias and Elena. The two hadn't spoken since Elena's turning, not even when she saw him when searching for the cure with Rebekah. She was purposely avoiding him and when Katherine killed Jeremy, she had flipped her switch.

Elena didn't know what she wanted to happen, but she knew that she didn't want him to leave. "You're right." She said while wiping away her tears. "It was never fair to you."

"Damn right it's not!" He all but shouted at her. "I have loved you through everything but killing my brothers, and then trying to kill Klaus and I... I can never forgive you for that." He told her honestly. "The love that I felt for you is gone, nonexistent. You helped kill Finn, then forced Jeremy to kill Kol when Kol wasn't even going to hurt Jeremy because he actually considered Jeremy as a friend, but you couldn't fucking think for once and made Jeremy do something that I know he regretted!" Matthias snapped at her. "I don't want to be here anymore Elena, you have ruined me for the last time and god forbid that you find a way to blame your problems on someone else to make yourself feel better because how about for once, you look in the mirror and take responsibility for the mistakes that you've made!"

Elena was in shock at Matthias' outburst, but she knew that she had it coming. She had hurt him more times that she ever wanted to admit, but she was with Damon now and she had made that choice when she cheated on him.

"I would've loved to have a kid with you." He confessed and Elena felt like sobbing again. "We both lost something that night on the bridge and while I may never understand the pain you feel from it, know that I'm hurting too." He told her. "But I can't do this, so leave me alone." He pleaded. "Don't call me, don't look for me, and stay out of my life." Matthias didn't let her speak, he simply exited the Salvatore home and got into his car.

He knew that Elijah's plan was to follow after Klaus to keep him from doing something stupid, but Matthias wasn't ready to go to New Orleans just yet. Matthias was sure that Elijah could handle Klaus just fine, but he had something else to do.

Something that didn't involve him going to New Orleans, at least, just yet.

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