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chapter thirteen.

Klaus was worried when Matthias shifted into a wolf and ran off after they returned Elijah back to the compound where Katherine was asleep, and Hayley was at a loss of what to do.

Klaus and Hayley sat beside one another, waiting for Matthias to return.

"So, you met your dad." Hayley said softly. "I'm sorry."

Klaus looked at her confused, "Sorry?"

"I know that you probably wanted to meet him under different circumstances." Hayley told him softly. "So, yeah I'm sorry."

Klaus felt his eyes water up again and held himself back from crying. "There was time where I wished he was my father instead, but we cannot change the past."

Hayley rested her head on his shoulder, "No but we can make the future better for Hope."

Klaus took a leap and grabbed Hayley's hand, Hayley felt her heart jump at the gesture as she gave his hand a squeeze. "We will bring her home." Klaus told her and Hayley hummed. "I swear to you."

A small smile was on Hayley's face at this, and she nodded against him.

They knew that they had to go look for Matthias, to check on Katherine and Elijah, but for a moment, they would be selfish. They didn't know if what they felt for one another would work, if they would work, but they would wait for their chance.

⨳ ⨳ ⨳

Matthias woke up in the woods, his head was spinning, and he was disoriented. He looked around and found that he was in the woods, he doesn't even remember how he had gotten there. He sat upright and groaned at the brightness brought from the sun, he hated how he felt right now.

"Matthias." Klaus' eyes widened as he spotted his brother lying on the ground. "Matthias, what's happened? Are you alright?"

Matthias looked at Klaus and nodded his head but remained silent. Klaus held out his hand and helped Matthias to his feet before handing him a pair of clothes. Matthias slipped them on silently and Klaus gave him a small smile before leading the way knowing that Matthias would follow.

Matthias didn't know what was happening, he didn't know what he was doing but Esther had managed to fuck with his head. She twisted fond memories of his time with Elena, his time with Rhea in Portland, his memories with Katherine, and he hated her for it. He was struggling to wart off this feeling inside of him, but he knew that it was her influence.

Matthias and Klaus walked the bayou before Matthias froze and Klaus turned to look at him confused. Klaus watched as Matthias sped away and held a man up against the tree, his face vamped out and a snarl leaving his lips.

"Stop following us!" Matthias growled at Ansel. "We have no intention of taking Esther's bargain."

"Yes, we're in a hurry to help our real family so kindly piss off." Klaus told him.

Matthias harshly released him and the two turned to walk away when he called out to them. "You seek the Merlock orchid."

Klaus stopped walking and turned back around. "How did you know that?"

"I saw you carry Elijah home last night. Who do you think used to find the orchid for your mother to put Mikael to sleep?" He asked the two while stepping forward. "Without my help, you could search forever."

"Or I could kill you and be over with this game of stalker you've begun." Matthias spoke up making Ansel shiver at the tone he held towards him.

"Our mother brought you back from the dead. My sense of strategy tells me that it wasn't to play a father-son game of hide and seek." Klaus told him before grabbing Matthias' arm and pulling him along the path they were going.

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