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Matthias' outfit is above!

chapter one.

Matthias lingered in the shadows of New Orleans, he was getting every single piece of information he needed before going to see his family.

Matthias missed so much, and he hated himself for it, even though Klaus told him that it was fine, Matthias hated himself still. He had made a promise to Klaus, and he failed him. Matthias was raging on the inside, he wanted to kill those that hurt his brother and that included Elijah for not being able to do so in his stead.

Katherine had also kept Matthias in the loop, telling him how Elijah dotted on Hayley, and it made her uncomfortable. Even more so when she could see how Hayley looked at Elijah. So, Matthias had a few bones to pick with Elijah, but he also understood that Elijah couldn't do it all alone so that only added to the guilt that he was feeling.

Rebekah was off taking care of Hope so that Klaus can make it safe for her return and Matthias was back in town without anyone noticing.

That lead to this moment, Matthias knew that there was someone he had to see before heading home. This couldn't wait, there was no way that he could wait till tomorrow or another day when he's been hoping for this moment for what felt like eons.

Arriving at the place he was looking for, Matthias hesitated before he entered the place. He didn't know if knocking was thing since the door was left open.

"Whoever it is, it's going to have to wait till later alr-" Marcel Gerard turned around and froze at the person at his door. "Dad?"

Matthias' eyes watered at the title as he took in Marcel, of course he hadn't aged a day and Matthias' heart twisted. He walked forward until he was in front of Marcel, he cupped his face, and a small cry left his lips as he pulled Marcel into his arms. Marcel sunk into the embrace and held Matthias just as tightly.

"Is it really you?" Matthias asked him while pulling away and cupping his face.

Marcel nodded his head, tears falling down his face. "It's me dad. I'm alive."

"Oh my god." Matthias couldn't help but hug him again. "I am so sorry. I should've been here sooner, I should've come back for you. I am so sorry that I failed you." Matthias apologized through the tears. "I understand if you can't forgive me, I understand if you hate me. I am so sorry."

"Hey, no." Marcel pulled back from the hug and looked Matthias in the eyes. "It was my fault for Mikael coming. I know Rebekah told you, you should hate me."

"Hate you?" Matthias let out a laugh. "You are my son, I love you and I hate myself for failing you. You should hate me for not coming back."

Marcel couldn't believe what Matthias was saying, Matthias wasn't giving himself enough credit. "Fail me? You never have. Hate you? No, I don't think that's possible." He shook his head at Matthias. "Klaus was the one to save me, but you were the one to raise me. I could never hate you, you're my dad."

"I can't believe you're alive." Matthias sniffled and laughed. "I want to know everything. I know Klaus stole what you created, but I still want to hear your side."

Marcel smiled and nodded his head while wiping his face. "Definitely."

⨳ ⨳ ⨳

"We have the Guerrera's where we want them. We have them waiting, we have them worried, and now, we know they're an army with no defenses against an Original." Klaus explained to his brother Elijah as he walked into the dining room and stood at the other end of the table.

Elijah stood at the other end. "We don't know that for certain."

"I'm willing to gamble." Klaus told him honestly.

"It's too risky! The stake didn't just disappear, someone has it." Elijah reminded him.

"Yes, me." Their heads turned towards the door where Matthias was leaning against the doorway with a small smile on his face. "I've had the stake since day one. The one Klaus had is a fake, but he wouldn't know that since I'm the smarter twin here."

"Matthias." Klaus smiled softly.

Matthias didn't bat an eye towards Elijah, something the man was expecting, and he walked over to his brother. Matthias wrapped his arms around him, and Klaus let out a small chuckle, he was fighting back the tears that were threatening to spill.

"I'm sorry that I wasn't here sooner." Matthias apologized. "But I'm here now and I promise not to leave for that long again."

Klaus smiled at Matthias in appreciation before looking back to Elijah. "One enemy at a time. In the end, we'll slay them all." Klaus sat down and he closed his eyes in pain when he felt the activation of the rings. "Tonight, we just have to plant the right seeds, and for that, we need help."

"Question, where's Kat?" Matthias asked them with narrowed eyes. "She hasn't spoken to me since she texted me that she was fine two days ago."

Elijah and Klaus shared a look, they knew that Katherine opting to stick with Rebekah was a decision caused by Elijah's words on the day he feared that Hayley was dead. Katherine knew that Elijah felt something for her, but Katherine wasn't going to fight for his affections if he was looking at another.

Their silence was enough time for Matthias to connect the dots, Katherine had told him her doubts, but he had hope that Elijah wouldn't hurt her.

Not again.

Matthias ran at Elijah and held him against the wall, his eyes glowed as he snarled at him. "She has loved you through everything!" He snapped at Elijah. "Been by your side through everything and you can't even remain faithful? You don't deserve her."

Elijah was about to speak when someone tackled Matthias away from him. Matthias easily flipped him and his attackers positions to where he was hovering over them with his hand in their chest. A gasp left their lips as Matthias got a look at them, it was Hayley Marshall, his brother's one night stand.

"Matthias!" Elijah shouted, fear in his voice as he worried for the woman.

Matthias let out a laugh of disbelief as he removed his hand and glared at his brother. "Even now you defend her." He shook his head at Elijah. "If Katherine ever forgives you, which you don't deserve, I promise you that I will dagger you and throw you into the ocean if you hurt her again."

Klaus gave Elijah a look, a look that told him that he deserved that because all Katherine did was slap him before leaving with Klaus that night.

Elijah knew that the way he worded things that day didn't sound right. He knew that he shouldn't have admitted to feeling something for Hayley, for caring about her as much as he had grown to. He hated himself for hurting Katherine like that again, he wanted to apologize but she wasn't even returning his calls.

"So, what's the plan?" Matthias asked.

[2] Darkest Hour • The Originals ✓Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant